Teachers’ conventions


About teachers’ conventions

Teachers’ conventions are annual 2-day professional development events.

There are 9 convention associations across Alberta, which plan their own events. Volunteer teachers lead each group, and the ATA is grateful for the time they put in.

How are teachers’ conventions paid for?

  • A small portion of active ATA member dues pay for the costs associated with teachers’ conventions
  • The funds go from the ATA to the locals, who pay their convention boards.
  • Teachers’ conventions are a very efficient way to receive valuable professional development: per teacher, the cost works out to only about $85-115 depending on the convention association. The costs of teachers' conventions are built into the fees for active members and no additional payment is necessary. Associate members pay a fee to attend.

Attendance at teachers’ conventions

Full-time teachers (active ATA members)

Convention attendance is mandatory for all active ATA members.

You can apply to be released from convention if your situation involves any of the following:

  • Collective agreement provisions (including leaves)
  • An alternate PD event scheduled during your assigned convention time
  • Coaching a provincial finals competition organized by the Alberta Schools’ Athletic Association

Please check the convention attendance page for more information.

Substitute teachers

If you have worked as a substitute teacher in a public, separate or francophone school during the current school year, you are automatically an active member of the ATA and can attend convention. Please note that most locals don’t pay substitute teachers to attend convention. Check your collective agreement for more information.

Part-time teachers

Unless your collective agreement or employment contract says otherwise, you only need to attend your assigned convention on the days and times you would be expected to work during a typical school week.

Teachers who work in central office

If you have chosen to remain an active ATA member, convention attendance is mandatory.

If you are an associate member of the ATA, you can register as a guest delegate (see below).

Associate members/guest registration

If you are an associate member, you can register as a guest.

Undergrad students

If you’re a pre-service teacher attending an Alberta university or college that serves as a convention venue, or if you’re registered in your final year of a bachelor of education program, you can attend convention free of charge if you’ve purchased a membership in your ATA student local. Contact your student local for more information.

Graduate students

If you’re pursuing graduate studies part-time while teaching part-time, you only need to attend convention on your regular teaching days.

If you’ve taken a negotiated leave provision to pursue graduate studies, you do not need to attend convention.

If you’re an education graduate student not employed by a public, separate or francophone school board, you can attend convention as a guest delegate if you are an associate ATA member. You will need to pay the convention’s guest registration fee.

Teachers employed outside of Alberta

You can attend convention as an out-of-province delegate if you can provide proof of membership in your local teachers’ organization. You will need to pay the required registration fee to the convention you wish to attend.

Teachers in Alberta as part of a formal exchange program

If you are an exchange teacher, you can attend convention as a guest delegate at no cost. Please call 1‑800-232-7208 and ask to speak to the Professional Development duty officer for more information.

Convention speakers or exhibitors

Convention speakers

Each of the ATA’s nine convention associations is governed by a volunteer board, which builds its own program and exhibits area independently. We have provided general information here, but please contact the convention association directly for specific information about presenting or purchasing display space.

Convention program sessions should

Keynote presenter or speaker’s bureau rep 

Please contact individual convention associations directly. 

Teachers who want to deliver a session

Presenting sessions at a convention can be an excellent professional development experience for teachers! Attendees value presentations delivered by fellow colleagues. 

How to apply to present at a convention

Each convention board opens a call for presentations and sets deadlines at different times of the year, so check each convention website for details. 

General timelines for breakout sessions

Convention Speaker Proposals Open Speaker Proposals Close
NCTCA (North Central) May November
(Endless Skies)
May October
CCTCA (Calgary City) June September
PDTCA (Palliser District) April June
CATCA (Central Alberta) May December
SWATCA (South Western Alberta) April November
SEATCA (Southeastern Alberta) September December
GETCA (Greater Edmonton) June October
MPTCA (Mighty Peace) May October


Convention exhibitors

The opportunity to reach more than 40,000 teachers at conventions and to sell teacher resources or products has proven to be popular for a wide variety of businesses. The majority of convention exhibits should be education related and demonstrably linked to the Teaching Quality Standard and Leadership Quality Standard, but some exhibit space may be available for commercial vendors.

Each convention board opens a call for exhibitor proposals and sets deadlines at different times of the year, so checking each convention website for details is recommended. 

General timelines for exhibitor proposals

Convention Exhibitor Proposals Open Exhibitor Proposals Close
NCTCA (North Central) March January
(Endless Skies)
June  September
CCTCA (Calgary City) June January
PDTCA (Palliser District) July When full
CATCA (Central Alberta) August February
SWATCA (South Western Alberta) March February
SEATCA (Southeastern Alberta) October January
GETCA (Greater Edmonton) May When full
MPTCA (Mighty Peace) August February

Questions about convention attendance?

If your situation isn’t detailed above, please check convention attendance details.

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Professional Development
