Diversity, Equity, and Human Rights (DEHR)

Diversity, equity and human rights are for everybody.

The ATA believes that all students should have an equal opportunity to achieve their academic potential, regardless of their gender, race, sexual orientation, first language or other identifiers.

Alberta’s demographics are changing quickly, and our schools must adapt. The ATA strives to ensure that Alberta’s classrooms are safe and caring and that they promote success for every student.

The ATA’s Diversity, Equity and Human Rights (DEHR) Committee supports this work in these ways:

DEHR Grants

Grants are available to teachers for special projects promoting diversity, equity and human rights

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DEHR resources


Alberta’s Teachers—Supporting All Families poster (ENG/FR)


Sexual orientation and gender identity

Forming a Teacher GSA-QSA in Alberta

An introductory guide for teachers who want to form a GSA in their local. 

Breaking the Silence: A Guide for Sexual and Gender Minority Teachers in Alberta

This guide helps break the silence that still surrounds the experiences of sexual and gender minority (SGM) teachers. It provides information and support for SGM teachers who have questions or concerns about matters related to their employment.

Safe Space poster—Bilingual 



Safe spaces, pride and pronoun materials request form


PRISM toolkits

The PRISM toolkits help elementary and secondary school teachers explore content related to sexual orientation and gender variance.

PRISM Toolkit for Safe and Caring Discussions About Sexual and Gender Minorities for Secondary Schools



PRISM Toolkit for Safe and Caring Discussions About Sexual and Gender Minorities for Elementary Schools




ATAGSA—Alberta Teachers' Association Gay-Straight Alliance

All ATA members are invited to the ATAGSA monthly meetings. Please email atagsa@ata.ab.ca to subscribe for updates. 

Graphic rainbow illustration for the ATA's Gay-straight alliance


Local DEHR training

Annual training session to provide opportunities for strategic planning, resource sharing and networking

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Working with refugee students and families

Supporting the Mental Health of Alberta’s Refugee Students

Each day, teachers have an opportunity to make a significant impact in the lives of refugee students and their families. This guide will help teachers understand the refugee experience, understand trauma, and build their capacity to attend to the needs of refugee students and their families.

Favoriser la santé mentale des élèves réfugiés de l’Alberta

En tant qu’enseignant, vous avez le privilège de créer des liens avec les réfugiés de l’Alberta, des familles qui ont connu une migration forcée et qui se sont établies dans notre province. Chaque jour, vous avez une occasion unique et extrêmement importante d’exercer une influence marquante sur la vie des élèves réfugiés et des membres de leur famille. Travailler avec des élèves ayant des besoins divers apporte ses propres récompenses.


Working with students from immigrant families

Cover of Ukrainian teacher resource
Supporting Ukrainian Newcomer Students and Their Families in Alberta Schools

This resource was developed in collaboration with the Alberta Teachers’ Association and the Additional Languages and Intercultural Council (ALIC).



Many children from recent immigrant families face special challenges in school—cultural, language and social. The Canadian Multicultural Education Foundation and the ATA have developed a series of resources that will be useful to teachers as they work with students and their parents.

Promoting Success with Arab Immigrant Students: Teacher Resources

Promouvoir la réussite scolaire des immigrants Arabes: Ressource pour les enseignants

Promoting Success with Indian Immigrant Students: Teacher Resources

Ressource pour les enseignants ayant des élèves de l’Afrique centrale

Teaching Filipino Immigrant Students: Resources for Success

Teaching Pakistani Immigrant Students: Resources for Success

Teaching Somali Immigrant Children: Resources for Student Success

Working with Karen Immigrant Students: Teacher Resources

Working with South Sudanese Immigrant Students—Teacher Resources

DEHR Conference for Locals

Read more about this year's theme and how you can attend

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Working with faith communities

A Guide for Teachers New to Hutterian Colony Schools
With an increasing number of Hutterite colony schools in Alberta, there is growing awareness in government, postsecondary institutions and the ATA of the unique professional development needs of Hutterite colony teachers. This monograph specifically addresses those needs.

A Guide for Teachers New to Working with Low German-Speaking Mennonite Students and Communities
There are vibrant and growing communities of Low German Mennonites across Alberta. The Low German Mennonite students in Alberta schools are forming their identities and navigating two worlds simultaneously. This resource provides information about the history and cultural and religious background of the Low German Mennonites and strategies for working with these students in the classroom.

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