Women in Leadership

The Association created the Women in Leadership (WIL) Committee in 2019 to help identify opportunities to enhance women’s participation in their teaching careers and ATA life.

Along with examining trends in other parts of the world, the committee

  • gives suggestions to Provincial Executive Council about how to help women who are in, or who are considering, leadership positions;
  • does research to find out how women teachers progress into leadership; and
  • organizes a Women in Leadership Summit every March.

Women in Leadership research

Lisa M Everitt, EdD, Executive Staff Officer, Alberta Teacher’s Association

Women in Educational Leadership Needs Assessment Survey, 2020

Julia Smith, PhD, and Stevie Thompson Faculty of Health Sciences, Simon Fraser University

COVID-19, Caregiving and Careers of Alberta Teachers and School Leaders, 2022

Women in Leadership grants

Planning a project or event promoting gender equity in teaching?

Apply for a grant

Create a WIL committee in your local

Thinking of starting a Women in Leadership Committee at your local? This guide can help

Read more


Women in Leadership Committee