

What is beginning teacher mentorship?

Mentorship is a nonevaluative, learning-focused relationship in which a beginning teacher and a mentor work together to reflect, collaborate and grow as professionals.

Think of a mentor as a lighthouse: the boat navigates the waters, and the lighthouse illuminates the path ahead.

How can a mentor help you?

If you’re new to teaching—or just new to the province—a mentor can guide your journey through the school year.

Your mentor can support you while you gain experience and learn more about teaching, student learning, your school community and your professional identity.

According to research conducted by the ATA, mentorship was among the most valued supports beginning teachers received during their first five years.

Starting a beginning teacher mentorship program? The ATA can help!

  • Start-up funding to establish a mentorship steering committee
  • Workshops for beginning teachers, mentors and school leaders
  • Program supports for your mentorship steering committee
  • Support from bilingual executive staff officers and PD facilitators

Contact to get started.


Online mentoring for beginning teachers

The Beginning Teacher Network supports Alberta teachers who are new to the profession or the province.

There are two ways to attend free virtual sessions, facilitated by experienced teachers, focused on topics relevant to your beginning teacher context:

Cohort groups get release time to attend sessions during the school day four times per year (at no cost to your school). 

Apply to join a cohort group

Open sessions take place after school, and are open to all beginning teachers in Alberta. Choose a session that fits your interest, or attend them all! 

Register to join

Also check out the Professional Development Sched site to choose your sessions. 

Do you want to learn more about mentoring beginning teachers?

The ATA provides support for effectively mentoring beginning teachers

  • Workshops for mentors and school leaders
  • Support from bilingual executive staff officers and PD facilitators

To request a workshop or discuss mentorship program supports, e-mail

Do you want to start a beginning teacher mentorship program?

There are many ways to support mentorship for beginning teachers, whether your program is formal or informal.

The ATA can help. E-mail

Do you need start-up funding for your mentorship program?

Apply for a grant! For more information, see the Mentorship Steering Committee Grant application form

Sample timeline for a formal mentorship program 

April–MayEstablish a mentorship steering committee that includes representation from your ATA local, your school district and the provincial Association.
May–JuneThe mentorship steering committee plans the mentorship program.
June–AugustSchool leaders attend the workshop A Principal’s Guide to Teacher Induction (facilitated by an ATA staff officer).
June–SeptemberIdentify beginning teachers and mentors for the program.

Mentors and beginning teachers participate in the following:

October—Mentorship Workshop 1 (facilitated by an ATA staff officer or PD facilitator)
November–January—District and local mentorship activities
February—Mentorship Workshop 2 (facilitated by an ATA staff officer or PD facilitator).
February–May—District and local mentorship activities


Engage in program evaluation, wrap-up and celebration activities.

Apply for start-up grant funding to cover mentorship steering committee expenses accrued over the year (application due June 30).

OngoingThe mentorship steering committee meets as needed.


Professional Development

1-800-232-7208 (toll free)