Education research

Association research

The Association conducts research on a wide range of education issues.

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Exiting the Teaching Profession in Alberta—A Qualitative Research Study with Actionable Opportunities

Exiting the Teaching Profession in Alberta—A Qualitative Research Study with Actionable Opportunities

Hallway with exit sign highlighted

Exiting the Teaching Profession in Alberta—A Qualitative Research Study with Actionable Opportunities provides an in-depth analysis of the factors driving teachers to leave their profession in Alberta. This qualitative study captures the voices of those who have exited or who are contemplating leaving teaching. Through a series of exit interviews and an intake survey, the research highlights the overwhelming workloads, insufficient support for diverse student needs and large class sizes as primary reasons for attrition. The study aims to inform policymakers, educational leaders and stakeholders about the important need for systemic changes to improve working conditions and support teacher retention.

Reporting on Class Size and Complexity, Aggression, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Alberta’s K–12 Schools (Fall 2023)

A rapid research study examining the issues confronting teachers

Cover of report, Reporting on Alberta K-12 Schools


Beyond Capacity: Large Class Sizes & Complex Needs in Alberta Schools


Growing Pressures: Understanding Aggression in Alberta Schools

