Teachers advance and promote access to effective, equitable and inclusive public education for all students.
Advocacy for students
Advocating for students means giving each child the opportunity to reach their potential in a safe, inclusive and supportive environment
Help and advice for teachers
Your first call when faced with employment concerns, Teacher Employment Services helps with employment-related issues and challenges
Curriculum and student assessment
Teachers' first hand knowledge on class curriculums is an asset to student learning
The ATA supports and advocates for teachers by actively campaigning on issues impacting students and public education
Political involvement
The ATA is nonpartisan but encourages teachers to join in the political process to represent their varied political views
COVID-19 in schools
The impact of COVID-19 on Alberta schools and public education systems around the world
Women in Leadership
Opportunities to enhance teaching careers of women
Learn about volunteer opportunities at the Association
Diversity, Equity, and Human Rights (DEHR)
DEHR supports safe and caring classrooms for students
Inclusive education
In an inclusive learning system, diversity is viewed as an asset
Conduct and competence
Information for Association member involved in a professional conduct or competency complaint