Student locals

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Sections locales d’étudiants

 Pour en savoir plus...

Student locals are subgroups through which the ATA offers services to education students. Each of the 13 student locals in Alberta are affiliated with a college or university that offers a program leading to an education degree.

Student local membership benefits

  • ATA publications, including the ATA News and the ATA Magazine that provide current information on issues of concern to education students and teachers throughout the province
  • Access to ATA library materials, reference services and online periodical databases through TNET
  • Student Local Conference, held annually in September
  • Free membership in all ATA specialist councils
  • Membership in a professional organization
  • Advice and consultation on professional matters
  • Opportunities to serve on your local’s executive and, in turn, to attend the annual Student Local Conference that the ATA organizes each fall to help members perform their executive functions
A map of Alberta displaying locations of all Student Locals

Student Local Map

How to join a student local

First, you must be enrolled in a full-time undergraduate program that leads to eligibility for a teaching certificate. You must also become a member of the Education Students’ Association (ESA) or the Education Undergraduate Society (EUS) operating on the campus of the university or college that you are attending. The ESA or EUS will forward $1 of your membership fee to the ATA, an amount that automatically makes you a member of the appropriate ATA student local.

ATA workshops for education students

Association staff regularly speak to university classes on topics related to teaching. We can also arrange for a guest speaker to present at education events. Find out more information on available workshops and how to book one for your students.


Student local annual report

Every ATA local must submit an annual report to provide data about its member and financial activities. If locals do not provide the required information, fee rebates may be suspended until the missing reports are delivered.

If you need help with any of these documents, e-mail Teacher Employment Services.

Student Local Annual Report (external link)