Specialist councils

The ATA’s 20 specialist councils exist to increase members’ knowledge and skills in defined specialty areas related to

  • curriculum subjects (eg, science, math, art);
  • leadership or support roles (eg, school leaders, counsellors);
  • professional practice standard competencies (eg, Indigenous education, inclusive education, the effective use of technology); or
  • pedagogical contexts (eg, grade groupings, modes of instruction, unique learning environments).

Specialist councils support professional development by

  • hosting in-person and online workshops and conferences;
  • organizing communities of practice; and
  • publishing newsletters, journals and other pedagogical and leadership resources.

Councils also play a role in shaping Association policy in the councils’ areas of specialty. 

All active, student, associate and life members of the Association can become members of one or more specialist councils, but the cost for membership varies, and only active and associate members can hold office on specialist council executive committees and vote at annual general meetings.

Membership Information

Active members

As an active ATA member, you can join the council of your choice at no cost. Want to join more than one council? You’ll just have to pay a modest fee of $20–40 per year.

Sign up for or renew your no-cost council membership and purchase additional memberships

Note: You’ll need to log in to your ATA Online Services account (username@teachers.ab.ca) to sign up for specialist councils. Request or renew your account.

For more information and to sign up, please e-mail pd@ata.ab.ca or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask to speak to someone in Professional Development. 

Student members

If you’re a member of the student local at your university or college, you can sign up for as many specialist councils as you want at no cost.

Sign up for or renew your no-cost council memberships

Note: You’ll need to log in to your ATA Online Services account (username@teachers.ab.ca) to sign up for specialist councils.

Request or renew your account

Please consult these videos if you need help creating or renewing your account.

For more information and to sign up, please e-mail pd@ata.ab.ca or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask to speak to someone in Professional Development. 

Associate members

As an associate member, you must purchase annual memberships in the specialist councils you want to join. The costs differ from council to council but are between $20–$40 per year.

For more information and to sign up, please e-mail pd@ata.ab.ca or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask to speak to someone in Professional Development. 

Life members

If you’re a retired teacher with life ATA membership, you must purchase annual memberships in the specialist councils you want to join. Membership costs for associate members differ from council to council but cost between $20–$40 per year.

For more information and to sign up, please e-mail pd@ata.ab.ca or call 1-800-232-7208 and ask to speak to someone in Professional Development. 


Professional Development