ATA News

Highlighted resolutions approved at ARA 2024

ARA 2024 with cartoon image of hands raised

This is a selection of the 197 resolutions adopted at the 2024 Annual Representative Assembly

Resolutions arising from the six-year review of policy

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta should ensure, at minimum, that no public, separate or francophone school authority receives a reduction in funding in current or subsequent years due to any public emergency that results in disruption to the student population.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“To protect data, school authorities, when contracting with information technology services and vendors, must ensure that all such contracts involving the collection, use, disclosure or transfer of personally identifiable information contain clauses

  1. identifying the source of the school authority’s right to enter into a contract;
  2. specifying the purpose for which the personally identifiable information or data is being collected;
  3. specifying the scope and type of personally identifiable information or data that is to be collected or transferred;
  4. limiting or prohibiting the disclosure of the personally identifiable information or data to third parties except where required or authorized by law;
  5. limiting or prohibiting the sale of the data; 
  6. ensuring that the school authority has exclusive control over access to the personally identifiable information or data;
  7. ensuring that, when activating an account for any individual, said individual is not presented with privacy terms that differ from those stipulated in the contract;
  8. specifying who is responsible for giving individuals access to their own personally identifiable information for the purpose of review or correction according to statute;
  9. specifying whether the service provider or vendor has the right to store and process the personally identifiable information or data in a country other than Canada; 
  10. outlining specific data breach notification processes and notification requirements;
  11. prohibiting the service or vendor from modifying the contract unilaterally;
  12. granting school authorities the right to audit service providers or vendors to ensure that they are complying with the contract; and
  13. detailing how the life cycle of the personally identifiable information or data will be managed in a way that complies with the record retention schedule. 

Local resolutions

St. Thomas Aquinas Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association urge school authorities to provide teachers with relevant and necessary information on current and past dangerous behaviours exhibited by any student in their care that may pose a safety risk to any staff or students in their care.

Calgary Separate School
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Canadian Teachers’ Federation to advocate for dedicated funding from the Government of Canada for English-as-an-additional-language (EAL) students and for special education programs proportional to the number of immigrants who will be eligible for EAL and special education programming.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association investigate and report back on ageism in the field of education in Alberta.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide funding to school authorities that is sufficient to ensure that any student who is identified as needing professional counselling or a psychological assessment is able to access these services during the school year when these needs are identified.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association develop Association instructor sessions that support professional development for substitute teachers.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to communicate to school authorities that notification and permission regarding human sexuality, as outlined in section 58.1 of the Education Act, is not necessary when addressing human identities that include sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression.

Rocky View
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to refrain from entirely digitizing diploma examinations and continue to maintain the current paper-based format alongside digitized versions to ensure equitable access and minimize technical vulnerabilities.

Rocky View
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to access supports used in daily instruction to remove language barriers in any provincial achievement test or diploma examination  with the exception of English and French language examinations.

Rocky View
Be it resolved that the Association conduct, and share the results of, an independent, third-party equity audit to find opportunities to increase equity across the Association.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
Be it resolved that this Annual Representative Assembly express its support for an increased emphasis by the Association on its “union functions.”

Provincial Executive Council resolutions

Provincial Executive Council
The Association opposes the use of the ‘notwithstanding clause,’ section 33 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, by governments to diminish or disregard the rights of persons in legislation.

Provincial Executive Council
The Association prioritizes safety and security of students and so opposes legislation, regulations and policies relating to issues of student gender and relationship diversity that may expose students to heightened risk of physical, psychological or socioeconomic harm.

Provincial Executive Council
The Association opposes legislation, regulations and policies requiring teachers to disclose information concerning a student’s gender or relationship identity or expression.

Provincial Executive Council
The Association supports teachers in the exercise of their professional judgment concerning how best to protect the privacy, safety and security of gender- and relationship-diverse students.

Provincial Executive Council
Fundamental Belief: Pension assets are the property of and are to be managed exclusively for the benefit of active plan contributors and beneficiaries.

Provincial Executive Council
Contributors to the Canada Pension Plan who reside, are working or have worked in Alberta should be afforded the opportunity to determine individually whether to transfer their accrued entitlement to an Alberta Pension Plan or allow it to remain with the Canada Pension Plan.

Provincial Executive Council
The Association supports the collective and individual right of Albertans to remain as full participants in and beneficiaries of the Canada Pension Plan.

Provincial Executive Council
Fundamental Belief: The Association affirms teacher professional judgment and autonomy in the selection of learning resources and management of classroom and library collections in support of students’ freedom to engage with media and material that depicts and respects the dignity and diverse lived experiences of all persons.

Provincial Executive Council
The Association urges school authorities, in collaboration with teachers, to develop local policy to guide teachers and school leaders in responding to book and resource challenges in a manner that defends teacher professionalism and judgment and affirms students’ freedom to read and experience a variety of media that represents and respects the dignity and diverse lived experiences of all persons.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to amend the Guide to Education to include in its Controversial Issues statement an affirmation of the right of students to read and otherwise engage with diverse and potentially controversial material in an appropriate, safe and supportive learning environment.

Provincial Executive Council
Parkland Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association support diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and programming at Alberta postsecondary institutions and call upon the Government of Alberta to refrain from penalizing financially, or by other means, those Alberta postsecondary institutions that choose to implement DEI policy and/or maintain DEI offices.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that school authorities recall teachers displaced due to emergency situations only when there is work for teachers to do, the work can be done safely and the work can be done in compliance with public health orders and recommendations and government declarations. Reasonable notice must be provided as per employment standards legislation.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge school authorities to work with the Alberta Library to gain provincewide licences to high-quality online resources for all Alberta classrooms.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge school authorities to ensure teachers are permitted to use, and be addressed by, their chosen name and pronouns that align with their lived gender experience on/in all official capacities and school records, and within the everyday business of the school.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge school authorities to ensure that all students are permitted to use, and will be addressed by, their chosen name and pronouns that align with their lived gender experience on/in all official capacities and school records, and within the everyday business of the school.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta and school authorities to support the professional judgment of teachers when facilitating gay–straight alliance activities.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to increase the executive staff complement in Professional Development by one to address workload issues and enhance the professional functions of the Association.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to enhance professional development and mentorship supports for beginning teachers through formalization of a beginning teachers’ network.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to support local and school authority partnerships to provide mentorship opportunities for new school leaders.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to increase the executive staff complement in Teacher Employment Services by one to address workload issues and preserve Association capacity to serve members.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to increase the capacity of Regulatory Affairs and Membership Support to carry out membership support and information functions through the addition of a professional staff position.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to establish two seminars annually for local diversity, equity and human rights chairs.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to create a constitutional and funding framework to support the establishment and operation of diversity and equity networks.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to host an evening function for delegates attending the Canadian Teachers’ Federation’s Women’s Symposium in Alberta in 2025.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to create capacity to support organization of and contract management for Association and specialist council events, including large-scale multimodal and virtual meetings, through the addition of a professional staff position.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association provide funds to create an Indigenous Education Initiatives Grant program to support innovative projects with connections to community toward fulfillment of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada’s Calls to Action and the National Inquiry into Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women and Girls’ Calls for Justice.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that, pursuant to bylaw 9(2)(a), the fee payable by an active member employed full-time be 1,422 per annum effective 2024 09 01.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that, pursuant to bylaw 9(2)(f), the fee payable by an associate member be $213.30 per annum effective 2024 09 01.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to substantively involve Association membership in curriculum development processes and policy decisions impacting high school programming and graduation requirements.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta clearly communicate to school authorities that preservice teachers who have not completed their bachelor of education programs may not be employed as teachers until they have applied for certification and have received a temporary letter of authority.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that policy be amended to read—
“The Government of Alberta should provide targeted funding that funds growth to all institutions offering teacher preparation programs in Alberta to ensure that the annual number of graduating teachers in the province meets or exceeds the number needed to staff new teaching positions and those vacated through attrition.”

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Government of Alberta expand Alberta Education’s Rural Practicum Program so all preservice teachers are eligible to receive funding for field experience placements at locations greater than 100 kilometres one way from their places of residence.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that operational decisions concerning school library and learning commons spaces, including resource selection and removal, be made by certificated teachers.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that mandated literacy and numeracy assessments be conducted by teachers with the appropriate professional development required for the administration of the specific literacy and numeracy assessments.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the use of smartphones and other smart devices by students in Alberta classrooms during instructional time is prohibited to promote a focused, engaging and safe learning environment, except where teacher professional judgment identifies a pedagogical purpose, including, but not limited to, enhancing digital literacy and engaging with the curriculum in interactive ways, instances where digital wellness education is being explicitly taught or applied, and accommodating properly documented student medical needs.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that the Association oppose the use of political party affiliations in Alberta school board elections.

Provincial Executive Council
Be it resolved that Alberta’s students deserve better than to have the lowest-funded public education system in Canada and that, therefore, the Association urge the Government of Alberta to immediately restore per-student funding to the national average as a first step toward re establishing this province as a leader in resourcing and supporting public education.

Assembly resolutions

St. Albert Public Teachers
Be it resolved that teachers are able to demonstrate support for safe spaces for all students and teachers through the utilization and display of Pride materials in their classrooms.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that this Annual Representative Assembly publicly express its opposition to Alberta Education’s April 26, 2024, social studies curriculum.

Edmonton Public Teachers
Be it resolved that the Association unequivocally condemns actions that stop or limit the ability of student protestors to gather peacefully and express themselves in accordance with their right to peaceful assembly as provided for in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.

Rocky View
Be it resolved that the Association urge the Canadian Teachers’ Federation, through Education International, to advocate with responsible international bodies to designate schools and educational institutions as sanctuary spaces, making their occupation, conversion to military purposes or destruction by military forces (including irregular military forces) a crime under international humanitarian law. ❚