ATA News

Council approves initial bargaining proposal

Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held May 9 to 11, 2024, at Barnett House, Edmonton.

  1. Amended and approved the Central Table 2024 Initial Proposal. The Central Table Bargaining Committee will meet with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association to exchange initial proposals and commence bargaining matters prior to the end of June 2024.
  2. Approved for submission to the 2024 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) a resolution that Alberta students deserve better than to have the lowest-funded public education system in Canada and that, therefore, the Association urge the Government of Alberta to immediately restore per-student funding to the national average as a first step toward re-establishing this province as a leader in resourcing and supporting public education.
  3. Reconsidered Council’s position on a local resolution, which will be communicated to ARA delegates.
  4. Authorized the Association to approach Alberta Education to update and release the provincial standards on inclusive education to reflect the current reality in Alberta schools.
  5. Authorized the Association to work with the College of Alberta School Superintendents to create environments where staff feel supported and encouraged to report incidents of student and/or parent aggression with an annual report provided to school division joint health and safety committees.
  6. Authorized the Association to develop a workshop to assist teachers and school leaders in addressing demeaning or hateful remarks and actions from students, staff, parents and/or the public.
  7. Increased the 2023–24 capital budget to fund three security-related expenditures at Barnett House.
  8. Approved Council committee and representation assignments for 2024–25.
  9. Approved the Association’s nominees to the Canadian Teachers’ Federation Advisory Committee on the Teaching Profession, Advisory Committee on the Status of Women, Advisory Committee on Diversity and Human Rights, Advisory Committee on Indigenous Education and Advisory Committee on French as a First Language.
  10. Approved the draft Association calendar for 2024–25 and provisionally approved for finalization by staff the draft Association calendars for 2025–26 and 2026–27.
  11. Amended the Administrative Guidelines pertaining to specialist councils. ❚