Gordon King is the newest addition to the ATA’s executive staff team in Teacher Employment Services.
King brings more than 30 years of experience in a variety of teaching, school leadership and central office roles in the Edmonton Public School District.
Reflecting on his journey, King said he is eager to return to a role where he can directly support teachers and advocate for their needs.
“I am incredibly excited to start working on behalf of teachers,” King said. “I firmly believe we have some of the most committed and talented educators in the world, and they deserve to be recognized for the incredible work that they do.” ❚
Four more things about Gordon
What is the greatest life lesson teaching has taught you?
In my many years of teaching, I have repeatedly been reminded that humility is an absolute requirement in this profession. From observing the amazing colleagues I have had the honour to work with, I have seen so much selflessness in their interactions with students. I regularly marvel at the skill, compassion and raw emotional support that these people display on a daily basis. I am constantly in awe of them as colleagues and as human beings.
Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself in your first year as a teacher?
The advice I would give myself as a first year teacher is “don’t sweat the small stuff.” It is so important to develop relationships with students before worrying about outcomes and government-mandated testing. Learning is organic and it will only happen when a student feels comfortable in your care and trusts you not to do them harm. I have tremendous respect for all of the new teachers currently entering the profession in these challenging times as their commitment to the profession is unquestioned.
Favourite song to put you in a good mood?
My favourite song/band to put me in a good mood is almost anything from the Tragically Hip (although it also sometimes makes me melancholy thinking about the loss of one of Canada’s most iconic musicians).
Favourite activity/hobby/project on the go at home?
My favourite thing to do at home is also something very new to me. My last teaching assignment included teaching welding, something I knew very little about and, shockingly, I fell in love with the process of fusing metal together. I have recently purchased a new welder and am currently fabricating a new aluminum swim deck for my fishing boat. (Boating/fishing is another activity I enjoy immensely).