Election timeline and deadlines

Vote March 10–13, 2025

ATTENTION: You are viewing a page for the general 2025 Provincial Executive Council (PEC) election to be held in March 2025.  

See information on the Edmonton District By-election

Once you have decided to run as a Provincial Executive Council (PEC) candidate, and have done the necessary registration, you will receive regular communication from the ATA. Please make sure to follow the timelines below as you proceed in your campaign. 

If you have any questions, contact elections@ata.ab.ca

Timelines and deadlines for candidates

Candidate responsibilities Deadline
Register as a candidate using the registration form *** see notes
Nomination call package is sent out to ATA school representatives October 15–16, 2024
Notice of nomination call and nomination deadline is published on the ATA websiteOctober 18, 2024
Notice of nomination call and nomination deadline is published in the ATA NewsOctober 29, 2024
Nomination deadline. Submit nominations to the returning officer by 5 pm January 14, 2025
Candidates are published on the ATA websiteJanuary 15, 2025
Attend the ATA’s online meeting for candidates at 10 am January 18, 2025
Deadline to submit your headshot photo, biography and platform to the administrative officerJanuary 20, 2025
Candidates’ headshots, biographies and platforms are published on the ATA websiteJanuary 24, 2025
Confirm with the administrative officer your intention to attend candidate forum(s) 
Confirm with the administrative officer whether you are going to participate in the special school mailing of campaign materials
Candidate speech video submission deadline. Send your videos to the administrative officer by 1200
Candidate biographies and platforms are published in the ATA NewsFebruary 4, 2025
Candidates’ campaign videos are posted on the ATA website
Deadline (at noon) for emailing your request to the administrative officer for labels or envelopes for you to mail campaign materials to eligible voting members not in schools
Deliver campaign materials (to the attention of the administrative officer at Barnett House) for inclusion in school mailing by 4 pm. This is only possible if you have already arranged to be included in the school mailing.
Table officer candidates’ forum at the local presidents’ meeting (held in Edmonton at Barnett House) at 7:30 pmFebruary 7, 2025
Distribution of the special school mailing containing campaign materials and voting instructionsFebruary 11–12, 2025
Deadline for submitting your request for an advance on the campaign grant to the administrative officerFebruary 14, 2025
Online voting opens at 8 amMarch 10, 2025
Deadline to email the administrative officer to confirm whether you or your appointed scrutineer will attend the delivery of resultsMarch 12, 2025
Online voting closes at 5 pmMarch 13, 2025 
Results of vote provided to the Scrutineer Committee by the third-party voting systems agent
Results, with vote count, announced on the ATA website and social media channelsMarch 14, 2025
Election results published in ATA NewsMarch 25, 2025
Deadline (at 5 pm) to file appeal, if any, of election results with the ATA’s executive secretary March 28, 2025 
Deadline to submit expense claims to the administrative officer April 13, 2025

***The candidate decides when to register, but they must be registered in order to receive election-related communications and assistance from the ATA.