Election finances

Vote March 10–13, 2025

ATTENTION: You are viewing a page for the general 2025 Provincial Executive Council (PEC) election to be held in March 2025.  

See information on the Edmonton District By-Election


The ATA wants to make election finances as simple as possible for all candidates. If you have a question about any of this material, please contact elections@ata.ab.ca

Financial assistance

Basic Grants

All registered candidates are eligible for a basic grant, which is payable in full to the candidate after they submit expenses at the end of the election. The grant is to help candidates cover the cost of producing campaign materials (eg, posters, websites and so forth) and other campaign expenses.

Acclaimed Candidate$1,200 $500
Contested Candidate $7,000 $2,000

Grant Advances

All candidates may request 50 per cent of their basic grant amount in advance. To submit a request for a grant advance, email the administrative officer (elections@ata.ab.ca). Be sure to include receipts, quotes or invoices confirming incurred or pending expenditures.

Deadline to submit a grant advance request: January 28, 2025 (two weeks after the close of nominations). 

Travel Expense Coverage

Contested candidates are reimbursed for travel, accommodation and release time that is connected to election and campaign activity. Receipts or paid invoices are required for all expenditures claimed, except in the case of kilometres.

Candidates’ Meeting (if in person)
  •  Covered by the ATA
  • 45 cents/km
  • Reasonable accommodation
  • Release time
  • Parking expenses not included, but candidates may cover them using their basic grant.
  • Covered by the ATA
  • 45 cents/km
  • Reasonable accommodation
  • Release time
  • Parking expenses not included, but candidates may cover them using their basic grant.
Teachers’ Convention 
  • Covered by the ATA
  • 45 cents/km
  • Reasonable accommodation
  • Release time
  • Parking expenses not included, but candidates may cover them using their basic grant.

Applies to any convention except for the candidate’s own, as attendance is mandatory.  

  • Covered by the ATA
  • 45 cents/km
  • Reasonable accommodation
  • Release time
  • Parking expenses not included, but candidates may cover them using their basic grant.

Applies to any convention with voters in the candidate’s district except for the candidate’s own, as attendance is mandatory.  

Forums (if in person)Candidates eligible for $2,500 to defray travel expenses.  Same as above (up to one forum per local)

Financial reporting

Guidelines for Financial Reporting 


  • Except for kilometrage, all claimed items must be accompanied by a receipt.
  • Alcohol is not eligible as an expense.
  • Expense claims must be submitted no more than 30 days after the set election day of March 14, 2025. 
  • Contributions must include all self-funded and in-kind contributions, including a list of contributors donating more than $100. 
  • Requirements related to financial reporting apply to any campaign contributions received and expenditures incurred both before and after the official campaign period. 
  • The ATA posts individual candidates’ financial statements on the Members Only section of the site. They are available for 60 days following the election. 

Election rules

Reference the ATA policy or Teaching Profession Act to learn more about PEC Elections

Read more

General Campaign Expenses

  • General campaign expenses include a wide scope of services and products including, but not limited to, printing, design, web hosting and advertising. If you are unsure of whether an item is eligible to be included in your claim, contact the returning officer.
  • Campaign contributions from ATA subgroups, ie, locals, specialist councils and teachers’ convention associations, are prohibited.
  • Campaign contributions from school boards or other organizations having a political or financial interest in the ATA or any of its local associations are prohibited. 

Campaign Travel Expenses

  • Eligible campaign expenses are restricted to accommodation, release time and transportation.
  • Parking is not an eligible travel expense, but it can be claimed as a General Campaign expense.

Campaign contribution forms

Financial Contributions Report

In-kind Contributions Report 

Expense claim forms

President and Vice president forms

Expense Claim A – Campaign Promotion

Expense Claim B – Campaign Travel

Expense Claim C – Forum Travel

District Representative forms

Expense Claim A – Campaign Promotion

Expense Claim B – Campaign Travel