We dug into the archives to find tidbits from previous issues of the ATA Magazine that are worth another look, either because of their relevance today, or as a reminder of how far we’ve come. You decide.
Can you match the following excerpts with the year that they were originally published? 1926, 1950, 1996, 2008
1. A noble profession
A fact which should be realized is that the profession of a teacher should be the most honorable—the one in highest esteem—of all the professions. If one only just considers that the perpetuation of civilization depends absolutely on his efforts, one can see that it should occupy a premier position.
Your guess:
2. The whole child
In this present day and age, every principal will also take an intelligent interest in the personal, social, and civic development of his pupils. The school besides giving instruction in subjects prescribed in the program of studies, must provide in some way, for the development of the whole child—mentally, physically, morally, and socially. Modern schools provide a great variety of activities designed to develop the potentialities in each child.
Your guess:
3. From students to engaged citizens
With all the focus on finding jobs, it is easy to forget that a high school diploma is about much more than just preparing for the workforce. Students who complete high school also go on to lead healthier lives as more engaged citizens. Well-educated children are the only resource that will grow and sustain our economy and communities in the long-term.
Your guess:
4. Action for public education
In an atmosphere of cutbacks and major change in Alberta, one of the greatest challenges of the Public Education Action Centre is to convince teachers and others that, through collective action, they can make a difference. Albertans can be instrumental in ensuring positive change and growth for a publicly funded education system that is accessible to all children.
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See the latest issueAnswers: 1. “Teaching, the Most Essential and Noble of Professions.” C. C. Thomas, June 1926 2. “The Principal and the School.” J. F. K. English, June 1950 3. “All Albertans Need to Do More to Improve High School Completion.” Honourable Dave Hancock, Minister of Education, Fall 2008 4. “The Public Education Action Centre Works!” Donna Swiniarski, Spring 1996.