ATA News

Teachers' conventions in focus

Various booths at a teachers' convention

With teachers’ convention season now wrapped up, teachers and school leaders have new tools, strategies and ideas that they can bring back into their classrooms and schools. Check out highlights from this year’s conventions. ❚

Did you know?

  • Teachers’ conventions predate the founding of Alberta.
  • The Alberta Teachers’ Association has been responsible for the delivery of conventions since 1942.
  • In 1954, Edmonton was the first convention district to hold its convention in a hotel rather than a school.
  • In 2025, nine teachers’ conventions were held with nearly 40,000 attendees total.
  • Teachers’ conventions are planned by nine convention associations across Alberta, with teacher–volunteers leading each group.

Conventions included presentations on a range of topics, including resilience in a complex system, truth and reconciliation, artificial intelligence, teachers as curriculum leaders and much more. Attendees had the opportunity to shape their own professional learning by choosing from a variety of sessions, some of which called for very active participation.


A man holding a microphone


A woman delivering a speech


Participants in an aerobics class


Participants in a craft class


Participants doing push ups


Two women taking a selfie


Convention exhibitors highlighted resources and programs that teachers can incorporate into their teaching. Sometimes teachers even had hands-on learning experiences.

A man holding a small owl on his arm


A woman looks at items available at a booth at a convention


Two people operating a remote controlled vehicle


A man operating a woodworking tool