Highlights of the Provincial Executive Council meeting held February 24–25, 2025, at Barnett House.
- Approved 197 resolutions arising from the six-year review of policy for presentation to the 2025 Annual Representative Assembly (ARA).
- Considered 15 Council resolutions and 39 local resolutions for presentation to the 2025 ARA. In the case of local resolutions, Council approved recommendations of concurrence, amendment and concurrence, nonconcurrence, referral for study and report or action taken. Council further approved the assignment of speakers to each resolution.
- Approved one specialist council resolution for presentation to the 2025 ARA.
- Approved for publication in the Resolutions Bulletin and ARA Handbook the report on resolution 2-10/24 (Report on Ageism in Education), which requires report to the 2025 ARA.
- Authorized $2,000 donations to each of the following CUPE locals: Local 40 (Calgary Board of Education), Local 520 (Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School Division), Local 3484 (Black Gold School Division), Local 5543 (Parkland School Division) and Local 5040 (Foothills School Division).
- Authorized up to three representatives from each Diversity Equity Network (DEN) be selected to attend the Diversity, Equity and Human Rights seminar at the 2025 Summer Conference, with a maximum of nine representatives across three distinct DENs.
- Authorized an overexpenditure of up to $6,000 to support live streaming and audio services for portions of the 2025 Diversity, Equity and Human Rights Conference, which will provide a participation option for members, including those identifying as living with a disability.
- Amended the strategic framework to include information regarding preservice teachers.
- Approved the name of one teacher for addition to the name bank for possible appointment as an Indigenous education professional development facilitator.
- Discontinued the routine production of an annual staff activity summary as the recent adoption of new human resources management and reporting processes and supporting software enables more meaningful reporting of relevant trends when required.
- Authorized the purchase of two retractable ATA flags per member of Council for use at various rallies and events.
- Amended the Association’s standing committees’ frames of reference to include the duty to annually review Association policy in accordance with the policy review process and to proposed resolutions to Council.
- Appointed a field member to the Edmonton Area Field Experiences Committee. ❚