Greater Peace Local No. 13 has been actively engaging members and fostering solidarity supporting central bargaining. To show our collective strength, we provided every teacher in our local with a “Teacher Strong” red t-shirt, which they proudly wear on Fridays and central bargaining days.
We organized and hosted Red for Ed contests to encourage participation, keeping our members engaged and energized in this important cause. Additionally, as a token of appreciation and unity, every teacher received a local-branded backpack as part of their Christmas gifts.
Through these initiatives, we continue strengthening our local and demonstrating our unwavering support for collective bargaining.
– Ashley Wiggs, local political engagement officer, Greater Peace Local No. 13
– Jeanne Lawrence, local communications officer, Greater Peace Local No. 13

The Career and Technology Education Council (CTEC) is proud to introduce — and wear — our CTEC Red for Ed t-shirts. They are a testament to the diversity of Alberta’s teachers, while showing unity in our shared commitment to enhancing education throughout the province.
– Paul Bohnert, president, CTEC

Wearing red reminds us that we’re all in it together and helps to keep us hopeful for better days. We’re grateful to our bargaining committee. We know they’re working hard on our behalf and advocating tirelessly to improve public education.
– Monica Dear, Virginia Park School