ATA News

PEC election results announced, Schilling marks historic win

Hand holding pencil after selecting a choice with a checkmark

The results are in, and Jason Schilling will once again take the helm for the next two years. He’ll continue in the role as Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) president for a fourth consecutive term, claiming 5,619 votes to Peter MacKay’s 5,263 and Donovan Eckstrom’s 663. 

Schilling says he’s honoured by the continuing support he received from Alberta’s teachers to act as their provincial and national representative.

“I have never taken the trust that Alberta teachers put in me for granted. This is serious work,” said Schilling. “It takes a lot of time and energy, and I take that very seriously. So, I was grateful to see that teachers still had confidence in my leadership.”

Schilling believes he still has a lot of work to do on Provincial Executive Council (PEC).

“We’re building a lot of good relationships with other educational partners, and I wanted to see that continue, but at the end of the day, it’s really about how can we make life better for teachers and students in this province,” said Schilling. “I felt that my work — to contribute, to make positive changes for education — wasn’t done yet.”

Schilling first joined PEC in 2009 as a district representative (DR) for South West. In 2017, he moved into the role of vice-president and two years later took on the role of president. With this new term, Schilling will become the longest running president in recent Association history. 

New and familiar faces on PEC

Greg Carabine, a teacher with the Edmonton Catholic School Division, will be returning for his third term as vice-president. He is set on better working conditions for the members he will continue to serve.

“Teachers’ working conditions have to improve, and our collective agreement is where that has to happen. Meeting teachers where they are, building personal relationships, is the key to the ATA’s future,” said Carabine. To this end, he says he’ll focus his energy and efforts on getting out to schools, ATA meetings and community events. 

Newcomer Allison McCaffrey, from Calgary Roman Catholic Separate School Division, will make her debut on PEC as vice-president. She hopes her successful election campaign will inspire other women to become more actively involved in the ATA. 

“While serving a membership comprised of 74 per cent females, our PEC table is represented by only just over 30 per cent women, and our table officers [were] at 0 per cent women,” said McCaffery. “My successful campaign does not eliminate the discrepancy in representation, but my hope is it will help future leaders see opportunities for them at the PEC table and encourage them to put their name forward.”

There will also be a few fresh faces filling DR roles. 

Returning Edmonton McMurray DRs Carmen Glossop and Jay Procktor will welcome Chandra Hildebrand to their ranks. Hildebrand, who works in Edmonton Public Schools, was acclaimed to her new position as a DR. 

Also new to PEC is Janet Westworth, who was elected as DR for the newly renamed Central Prairie Sky (formerly Edmonton District). She is a teacher with the Elk Island School Division.

Down south, Janet’s sibling, Wade Westworth will be the new DR for South Central Rockies (formerly known as Calgary District). Wade is currently with the Foothills School Division but has worked in several positions throughout many different school divisions.

Re-elected Kevin Kempt will welcome Kent Kinsman and Alicia Taylor to PEC as his fellow representatives for Calgary City. Both Kinsman and Taylor work in the Calgary School Division and look forward to bringing their experience with the local to the provincial table.

Rhonda Kelly rounds out the elected positions and will be returning for a second term as the DR for North West.

The acclaimed DR positions include returning members Brenton Baum for Central, Murray Lalonde for Central East, Richard Kremp for Central North, Brice Unland for Central South, Heather McCaig for South East and Katherine Pritchard for South West. Greg Jeffery will remain in the role of past president. 

The newly elected council will take office on July 1, 2025. Until then, the current PEC remains in office. ❚