Teaching is a collaborative profession, but what happens when you and your colleagues have vastly different beliefs? In Alberta’s diverse public school system, teachers bring a range of perspectives shaped by personal experiences, cultural backgrounds and regional politics. While these differences make for an inclusive and vibrant workplace, sometimes they can lead to tension. Our professional relationships are invaluable, as we work together in our shared goal of supporting students, and so we need to be mindful of how we navigate conversations that bend toward politics.
Education is inherently political — curriculum choices, public school funding and policies often spark debate — and teachers are an engaged and passionate group of people. I do not know of a colleague who doesn’t care about the work they do, and that is why their passion around public education emerges. However, the staff room or WhatsApp group shouldn’t become a political battleground. When conversations heat up, remember your role in creating a positive learning environment and a positive workplace. Further, remember that fighting among ourselves does not make us “one profession united,” and if we are not united, we aren’t strong.
Despite political differences, most teachers share core values: a commitment to student success, equity and lifelong learning. Focusing on these commonalities can help build bridges. For example, instead of debating policy positions on standardized testing, you can discuss practical strategies for student engagement, something everyone can get behind.
Those who know me know that I love a good debate, but I do work to hear both sides of the argument. I seek to understand and to start from a place of respect. When engaging with colleagues, I endeavour to remember that teachers are all in this together and respect that others may have different perspectives. A colleague’s opposing view on education policy doesn’t make them a bad teacher; it just means they see things differently. At the same time, if you’re uncomfortable discussing a topic or the conversation becomes too charged, it’s okay to change the subject to a more neutral topic or excuse yourself.
Of course, not everyone wants to discuss politics at work. Thank goodness for that! My family gets pretty tired of me talking politics all the time, so they are a good group to remind me that not everyone cares about the same topics that I do. I can care, and advocate in a way that hopefully changes the minds of people in the middle, people who somewhat agree with or are open to truly hearing what I am saying. It’s hard to remember that arguing with someone who vehemently opposes my opinion is fruitless. (Although that doesn’t mean I don’t try every once in a while…)
Showing respect, curiosity and open-mindedness can positively influence the culture of your school. When political discussions arise, ask thoughtful questions rather than rushing to debate. Ultimately, a strong collegial atmosphere benefits both teachers and students. By fostering mutual respect, teachers can focus on what truly matters: helping all students thrive. ❚
I welcome your comments. Contact me at kristine.wilkinson@ata.ab.ca.

ATA News, Editor-in-Chief