ATA News

New program supports Alberta’s beginning teachers

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Are you a beginning teacher who is new to the profession or new to the province? If so, the Alberta Teachers’ Association has a new program available to support you.

The Beginning Teacher Network (BTN) is a virtual professional learning and mentorship program available to beginning teachers who are looking to grow their professional skills and expand their professional network. The program includes virtual sessions, facilitated by experienced teachers, that focus on topics relevant to beginning teachers.

Originally started as a small-scale pilot program during the 2023/24 school year, the 2024 Annual Representatives Assembly overwhelmingly voted in favour of formalizing BTN funding to directly support beginning teachers as they embark on their career. As a result, this small-scale pilot program has grown in exciting new ways for the 2024/25 school year.

How does it work?

This program connects beginning teachers with experienced teachers through virtual sessions. These sessions allow participants to explore professional learning topics, receive professional advice and connect with colleagues about the unique challenges faced by beginning teachers in Alberta.

Who can participate?

The BTN is open to teachers who are in their first two years of teaching or are new to teaching in Alberta. BTN sessions are available at no cost to participants. As well, you can join the BTN at any time, regardless of when you start teaching. If you are already part of a formal mentorship program, you can still join the BTN.

How do I participate?

There are two ways for beginning teachers to participate in the BTN:

Cohort Groups — Prefer to attend daytime sessions? You can receive release time (i.e., no cost to your school) to enable you to attend Cohort Group sessions during the school day. Cohort Groups meet four times per school year for 90-minute virtual sessions. Apply to join the kindergarten to Grade 6 Cohort Group or the Grade 7 to 12 Cohort Group.

Open Sessions — Prefer to attend sessions after school? With no need for release time or substitute planning, Open Sessions might suit you. These monthly 60-minute virtual sessions are open to all Alberta beginning teachers. You can choose specific sessions or attend them all (the schedule is available on the ATA website). Cohort Group members can also attend open sessions.

Join the network now!

Find out more about the beginning teachers' network

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