ATA News

The future of the principalship in Canada … 10 years ago

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The year 2024 marks one decade since pan-Canadian research focused on the experiences and hopes of Canadian school leaders was released.

In 2014, the ATA and the Canadian Association of Principals jointly published The Future of the Principalship in Canada, a study that aimed to provide insight into the role of  the principal in the context of shifting trends and expectations. 

Who participated?

For the study, 500 principals from across Canada shared their insights on the conditions affecting leadership in Canadian schools.

What did they say?

  • 90 per cent of principals found their work very fulfilling
  • 95 per cent reported growing, unsustainable workload and complexity in their schools

Five ways forward, as shared by Canadian principals:

  1. Teach and learn for diversity.
  2. Collaborate and build professional capacities in staff.
  3. Build family and community relationships.
  4. Promote continuous leadership learning.
  5. Use technology for creative learning and good citizenship.

While the report signalled the complexities and demands of principalship, it also showed that school leaders were committed to their profession and to their students—and hopeful for the future of education in Canada.

The full 2014 study is available on the ATA website