ATA News

Enjoy your break

Off Script

One of the roles of the president is to represent the Association and teachers at a variety of events hosted by other education stakeholders such as school boards, university deans, community-based groups or our government. This representation is important as it allows the ATA to share teachers’ and school leaders’ concerns about their classrooms, students and public education. 

Recently, I have been able to discuss the Stand for Education campaign with many of these groups, emphasizing that we all must work together to make education a top priority in the next provincial election. As you know, the ATA is hosting roundtable conversations about people’s bold hopes for the future of public education. You can find more information about a provincial or local roundtable near you on the Stand for Education website or your local’s website. 

As part of this representation work, I was invited to attend the throne speech at the legislature on Nov. 29. Not only was it a good opportunity to meet MLAs and hear the direction government is intending to take, but I personally enjoy seeing the ceremony around the actual speech. This year, there was no mention of education in this throne speech, which was not surprising to me as the new premier indicated her intentions for this fall sitting many times in the media. 

Silence is not golden in this context. We cannot turn our attention away from what government intends for public education. We need to keep the advocacy pressure on, as you have heard me say before quoting Candy Palmater, “we don’t need to be perfect, we just need to be persistent.” Our collective persistence and collective advocacy will be needed in the next few months to make sure we do not see further erosion of what we value. I hope you can find ways in your busy lives to add your voices to the work of your local and provincial Association. 

Speaking of busy lives, we are very close to the holiday break. This year has proven to be as challenging as the last few, and I know how hard teachers and school leaders have been working. My hope for you is rest, relaxation and time with friends and family. You work hard and deserve this upcoming break. Please take full advantage of this precious time. Be well and happy holidays. ❚


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