Provincial Executive Council

Light blue page hero image

The Provincial Executive Council (PEC) is a 20-person committee that creates and sets ATA policies and practices. It also creates standing and ad hoc committees to advise and assist it on various education-related matters. PEC includes the elected representatives of Alberta teachers plus the Association's executive secretary.

Of the 20 members, 15 are district representatives from 11 geographic districts. The other five are the president, two vice-presidents, the past president and the executive secretary. Collectively, these five are referred to as the table officers. 

Members of each geographic district elect their district representative(s) for two-year terms. All ATA members in Alberta elect the president and vice-presidents for two-year terms.

PEC meets at least eight times each year.

About PEC elections

PEC representatives serve two-year terms, and the ATA conducts elections for PEC positions every two years. The term of office starts on July 1 of the election year. 

How to run in a PEC election

If you are an active or associate member of the ATA, you are eligible to run in a PEC election. Be sure to review the roles and responsibilities of PEC members and familiarize yourself with the time commitment.  

The ATA provides financial assistance to all candidates via a basic grant and travel expense coverage.

Information about running in the election is promoted widely across the Association during election years. Stay in touch with us by following our social media accounts and signing up for our email newsletter. 


PEC members have different roles and responsibilities depending on whether they are a district representative, vice-president or president. However, all PEC positions are accountable to the ATA membership and those serving on Council are expected to 

Council expectations

  • meet at least eight times each year and attend the Annual Representative Assembly (ARA);
  • identify issues affecting teachers and the teaching profession by 
  • maintaining ongoing contact with members;
    • serving on and liaising with internal and external committees, boards and specialist councils;
    • working with other education stakeholder organization and groups;
    • considering information and recommendations by ATA program areas, committees and representatives who serve on external boards, councils and committees; and
    • participating in meetings with government officials and staff; 
  • work together to set objectives and priorities and develop high-level strategies for the ATA; 
  • help draft the ATA budget and provide input on fees, which are then voted on at ARA
  • serve on internal and external committees, specialist councils and teachers’ convention association boards;
  • participate in professional development and any other activities required to meet the responsibilities of governing the teaching profession; and
  • approve the hiring of ATA executive staff officers and executive secretaries. 

Time Commitment

Regular monthly PEC meetings are scheduled during the day, typically on a Thursday and Friday. A portion of regular duties involves work that must occur after school hours and on weekends to accommodate teachers’ schedules and to attend events and meetings of ATA subgroups.

Compensation and release time

Through entering into agreements with school boards, the ATA ensures elected candidates have the release time they need to serve in their positions and attend or conduct PEC-related functions. The ATA negotiates full-time release for the president, and up to 100 days of release time for vice-presidents and district representatives. 

In addition to this release time, PEC members are provided with honoraria and are reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in attending Council meetings, and during other related duties and activities. 

To assist members of Council in their continued professional development, a PEC development fund provides for conference attendance and other educational activities relevant to the members’ responsibilities.


District Representatives

As part of their responsibilities as PEC members, district representatives 

  • communicate to the ATA the views of teachers and ATA locals in their geographic district;
  • represent specialist councils on matters requiring PEC action or decisions;
  • familiarize themselves with the activities of ATA locals in their geographic district, communicating ATA policy and activities to those teachers; and
  • attend events or activities hosted by ATA locals in their geographic district.

Table Officers Committee (for the president and vice-presidents)

The Table Officers’ Committee (TOC) is made up of the current ATA president and vice-presidents who are elected by the entire membership, as well as the past president and the executive secretary. The committee meets throughout the school year. In addition to other duties, this group is responsible for meeting with 

  • the minister of education, government standing committees, the official opposition and other opposition; and
  • other educational stakeholders, such as the Alberta School Boards Association and the Alberta School Councils’ Association.

ATA Vice-Presidents

Additional responsibilities of the two ATA vice-presidents include (but are not limited to)

  • alternating monthly as lead vice-president;
  • serving on committees and, specifically, chairing either the ATA’s finance or resolutions committees;
  • representing the ATA at local events; and
  • supporting district representatives in communicating with members at the school level.

ATA President

In addition to serving on PEC and the TOC, the ATA president also 

  • chairs PEC and TOC;
  • acts as an official spokesperson for the ATA;
  • represents the ATA in dealings with provincial and national education stakeholders, for example, the Government of Alberta and the Canadian Teachers’ Federation;
  • chairs the Teacher Salary Qualifications Board; and
  • provides ongoing support to district representatives.

2025 PEC Elections

A new council slate has been elected; they'll start governing July 1

See who won a seat on council

Table Officers

Jason Schilling


Jason Schilling

Greg Carabine


Greg Carabine

PEC member Peter MacKay wearing a vest


Peter MacKay

Greg Jeffery

Past President

Greg Jeffery

Dennis Theobald

Executive Secretary

Dennis Theobald

District Representatives

Calgary City

Kevin Kempt

District Representative

Kevin Kempt

Calgary Public Teachers No 38
Calgary Separate School No 55

Darren Moroz

District Representative

Darren Moroz

Calgary Public Teachers No 38
Calgary Separate School No 55

Allison Scott Davies

District Representative

Allison Scott Davies

Calgary Public Teachers No 38
Calgary Separate School No 55

South Central Rockies (formerly Calgary District)

Karen Makaska

District Representative

Karen Nakaska

Canadian Rockies No 59
Christ the Redeemer No 29
Foothills No 16
Rocky View No 35


Brenton Baum

District Representative

Brenton Baum

Association des enseignantes et des enseignants francophones de l’Alberta No 24
Black Gold Teachers’ No 8
St Thomas Aquinas Teachers’ No 45
Timberline No 9
Wetaskiwin No 18

Central East

Murray Lalonde

District Representative

Murray Lalonde

Aspen View No 7
Battle River No 32
Greater St Paul No 25
Lakeland Catholic Separate No 30
Northern Lights No 15
Park Plains East No 31

Central North

Rick Kremp

District Representative

Rick Kremp

Evergreen No 11
Evergreen Catholic No 44
Northern Gateway No 43
Parkland Teachers' No 10
Pembina Hills No 22
Woodland Rivers No 40

Central South

Portrait of a young bald man with glasses

District Representative

Brice Unland

Chinook's Edge No 17
Clearview Teachers No 33
Red Deer Catholic No 80
Red Deer City No 60
Wolf Creek No 3

Central Prairie Sky (formerly Edmonton District)

Portrait of s blond women

District Representative

Deneen Zielke

Elk Island No 28
Elk Island Catholic Teachers No 21
Greater St Albert Catholic No 23
St Albert Public Teachers No 73
Sturgeon No 27

Edmonton McMurray

Carmen Glossop

District Representative

Carmen Glossop

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
No 54
Edmonton Public Teachers No 37
Fort McMurray No 48

Greg Meeker

District Representative

Greg Meeker

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
No 54
Edmonton Public Teachers No 37
Fort McMurray No 48

Jay Procktor

District Representative

Jay Procktor

Edmonton Catholic Teachers
No 54
Edmonton Public Teachers No 37
Fort McMurray No 48

North West

Rhonda Kelly

District Representative

Rhonda Kelly

Fort Vermilion No 77
Grande Prairie and District Catholic Teachers No 42
Greater Peace No 13
High Prairie No 62
Northern Spirit No 6
Northland No 69
Trumpeter No 26

South East

Heather McCaig

District Representative

Heather McCaig

Grasslands No 34
Medicine Hat No 1
Medicine Hat Catholic Teachers No 39
Prairieland No 36
Prairie Rose No 2
Three Drums of Wheat No 20

South West

Katherine Pritchard

District Representative

Katherine Pritchard

Holy Spirit Catholic No 5
Horizon No 4
Lethbridge Public School No 41
Livingstone Range No 14
Palliser No 19
Westwind No 12