
Two to be elected

Illustrated high-five

Candidates for ATA Vice-president

Greg Carabine

Man with shoulder length hair wearing a blue suit and glasses


Nothing changes until we change and that is why, with the support of my wife, Yoko, and my children, Aiden and Fiona, I have decided to seek re-election as vice-president of the ATA.

Before I began teaching in 2002, I spent almost a decade in the steel industry. From there I moved to a career with Edmonton Catholic, teaching chemistry and physics and coaching football.

Prior to my role as vice-president, I was the district representative for Edmonton McMurray and, before that, president of Edmonton Catholic Teachers Local No. 54. I have dedicated my career to working with the Association, standing up for the best interests of teachers.

I have worked tirelessly on behalf of teachers and students to improve our working conditions and their learning conditions. I continue to be a vocal opponent of the hijacking of our pension, the inadequate and age-inappropriate curriculum, excessive standardized testing and the unrealistic demands on our profession.

In my conversations with teachers, there is a clear feeling that “we can’t keep going like this” and I’ve heard too often, “I’m looking for another job.”

That change must come from us.

No one is coming to save us, no government is going to do the right thing unless we as united and purposeful professionals are willing to find our courage, stand up and say, “No, enough is enough!”

We act, and by acting we save ourselves, our students and public education, which is the greatest of equalizers.

If re-elected, I will continue to work tirelessly on your behalf. Our wages have to catch up and keep up, our classroom conditions have to improve, and we need to bring back some old-fashioned respect for our profession.

@GCarabine on X

VP Carabine on FaceBook on Bluesky

gregcarabine on Threads

@gregcarabine on Instagram

Allison McCaffrey

Portrait of blonde woman with a blunt haircut


We are better together! I firmly believe in the power of collective action, mutual support and a shared purpose. As a proud Alberta teacher, I know that when we unite as one voice—advocating for smaller class sizes, increased classroom supports and an equitable funding formula—we become an unstoppable force for positive change. We must work together to stop this government from further undermining our profession or the quality of education for Alberta’s children.

With my years of experience as the local president of Calgary Separate School Local No. 55, I have guided our local through times of challenge and growth. My finance degree and business background bring practical insights to my over 20 years in education, both in the classroom and as an administrator. In addition to this, my extensive participation on local and provincial committees has prepared me to serve Alberta teachers effectively and with unwavering dedication as vice-president.

I believe that all members deserve access to their elected representatives. Breaking down barriers to ensure accessibility, accountability and transparency is essential. Your Provincial Executive Council exists to serve you, and I will work to ensure it is responsive to the concerns of teachers from across our province.

I am proud to be a member of the best profession in the world and look forward to serving as your vice-president. Our government has indicated that without a fight, they will refuse to better our classroom conditions, increase our pay or show us respect, despite our 46,000-plus membership. We will not accept this, and I look forward to engaging, supporting and advocating alongside you as we collectively refuse to back down for what is right. Our profession is worth it – we are worth it! We are better together! 

Visit to learn more.

Greg Meeker

Portrait of a man wearing a suit


My name is Greg Meeker, and I am currently principal at Grandview Heights School and a district representative (DR) for Edmonton McMurray. 

My career in public education has spanned 34 years, and I have advocated for teachers every step of the way. I have spent the last five years operating The Pension War Room on “X” (@yomeeks) to educate on and advocate for teachers’ pensions in response to significant attacks. I served on the Alberta Teachers’ Retirement Fund (ATRF) Board and was board chair for 10 years. These experiences have prepared me well to fight on behalf of teachers.

Serving the Association has been the honour of my career. I have served one term on Provincial Executive Council as a DR. I am now a candidate for the position of vice-president. I have experience serving teachers in other positions as well: the Professional Conduct Committee, the Pension Committee, and as vice-president of Finance for Edmonton Public Teachers Local No. 37.

Recent events have made me more concerned than ever for our shared profession. We need to continue to fight back regarding curriculum, the independence of our pension plan and our classroom conditions.

Teachers deserve an active and responsive Association to stand up for them and create the truly equitable public education system that Albertans deserve. I think that I have the skills and experience necessary to meet this challenge.

Please use one of your two vice-president votes to vote for me. I will faithfully represent the teachers of Alberta on Provincial Executive Council.

What's PEC?

The Provincial Executive Council is the elected governing body of the Alberta Teachers' Association

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