Preparing for Substitute Teachers in Your School

Substitute teachers may teach in several schools and in more than one jurisdiction. You can help them become knowledgeable about pertinent policies in a variety of situations at your school.

  • Provide copies of the relevant school and school board policies. Ideally, these policies will be available in a school handbook for substitute teachers that is prepared and updated at the school level.
  • Prepare a folder with relevant information for substitute teachers. The Substitute Teachers Committee has published a folder for this purpose. To access these materials, click here or e-mail for folders to be sent to your school.
  • Give substitute teachers the same respect and consideration as any teacher in your school.
  • It is helpful if substitute teachers can follow the same timetable as the teacher they are replacing. This allows them to prepare for classes and write notes for the absent teacher. Additionally, they mark assignments and become familiar with the school’s routines and expectations.
  • Give substitute teachers supervision duties that are reasonable and appropriate. Sometimes supervision is not assigned in the first half-day of a teaching assignment. These details can be found in school division policies or collective agreements.
  • Substitute teachers are entitled to at least one 30-minute break during the day.
  • Celebrate Substitute Teachers’ Appreciation Week at your school:
    • Write letters to your substitute teachers, outlining their strengths and their contributions to the school and the profession.
    • Share a lesson or an activity.
    • Organize an orientation seminar in partnership with your ATA local.
    • Invite substitute teachers into the staff room.
    • Provide substitute teachers with access to ongoing professional development activities.
    • Plan a special professional development event for substitute teachers.
    • Sponsor substitute teachers’ attendance at the annual Substitute Teachers’ Conference from professional development funds.
    • Recognize your substitute teachers’ value through small gestures and words of gratitude.