ATA News

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Stand For Education rally generates warmth


Verna Ahner

Love my scarf. Will wear it everywhere.

Clinton Pollon

Thank you so much for help keeping us warm.

Carolyn Dyck

Those in charge of organizing the rally did a great job!

Candice Averill

A great day. Well organized, great messages. A scarf I will wear all winter!! Thank you.

Nicola Quigley

Thank you for the memento. I will be wearing it all winter!

Stacee Would

I wish we could have been there! The roads were just too yucky to drive up.

Kristan Noel Myers

We were there! Thank you for hosting! Whatever it takes! 

Alysia Sharpe

Thank you to all who are there. I can’t be there, but I’m wearing red!!

Shannon Garbutt-Steedman

Thank you all for going and representing those of us who couldn’t make it!!

On Twitter


A total six hours today in a car/bus. Worth it!! Loved being a part of this today!!!


Proud to stand with thousands of other public education supporters this afternoon at the #ableg—hope that all candidates and political parties are listening and ready to act to improve our #abed system.


Great turnout at #rally4ed! Thank you colleagues of @albertateachers and Albertans!


Even the rain and cool temps can’t dampen the spirits for the #rally4ed. What a turnout of concerned individuals gathered together to stand in solidarity and show support for public education.

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