ATA News

Teacher candidates

Teachers running in the 2023 provincial general election were invited to submit material for publication in the May 9, 2023 issue of the ATA News.

The invitation applied to

  • active Association members in good standing,
  • Association life members and 
  • other members who have maintained the highest level of membership available to them.

As of press time, Friday, May 5, the following candidates had submitted their information. ❚

Dan Nelles

Dan Nelles


Alberta New Democratic Party

Dave Dale

Dave Dale 


Alberta New Democratic Party

Fred Kreiner

Fred Kreiner 

West Yellowhead

Alberta New Democratic Party

Liana Paiva

Liana Paiva

Peace River 

Alberta New Democratic Party

Rosman Valencia

Rosman Valencia 

Calgary East

Alberta New Democratic Party

Peggy Wright

Peggy Wright


Alberta New Democratic Party

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