Roses are red, violets are blue,
The schools just aren’t the same
without you.
Fight the good fight,
Thanks for all that you do,
We all stand together,
We miss you!
– Brittney Sasseville
You are the glue. You bring so much light and love to our hallways, it’s no trouble to tell that you’re missing. You do so much for ALL of us and go above and beyond what you’re required to do every day. The fight has been long and is
not over yet, but I’m so proud of you
for sticking up for what’s right
and not backing down.
– Lori Brown
Roses are red, violets are blue,
my educational assistant is amazing and I’m sure yours is too! From helping with any crazy request to being someone I can trust and lean on. I couldn’t do my job without her.
– Katrina Yaworski
Thank you for being there for our most
vulnerable. Often it is loud, messy and chaotic. You don’t always get a thank you, and it’s hard for families to truly see the work you do. But they
get to see the results that a safe, welcoming
and caring adult can have.
So thank you for taking care
of all the babies!
– Kristan Noel Myers
You’re the magic behind the scenes,
Helping kids chase their big-time dreams!
With every task, you bring such cheer,
I’m so grateful to have you here!
Thanks for all the work you do,
Teaching would be tough
without you!
– Jaycee Bourke
Thank you for helping on the great days and especially on the rocky days. We wish there were more of you and we hope you get the recognition you deserve!
Merci beaucoup!
– Michelle Dickie
We ❤ you!
– Andrea Sieben