I am proud to be an Alberta teacher. Like many of you, I became a teacher because I wanted to make a difference and change the world. Now that’s a pretty big task, changing the world, but I don’t believe it stops people from trying.
As we heard from parents, students, teachers and education advocates at the Stand for Education rally on Oct. 22, a strong public education system is not something we can take for granted. Thousands of people gathered on an unseasonably cool Saturday, but what’s next?
We move forward, we make public education a top priority for all political parties, we take our shared vision for education and make it a reality. The rally was a kick-off to a longer advocacy campaign that leads to next year’s provincial election. Whether or not you attended the rally, your involvement doesn’t stop. In fact, it’s just getting started.
Over the next few months, the ATA, the Alberta School Councils’ Association and ATA locals around the province will be hosting community roundtable conversations with supporters of public education to capture your bold ideas and vision for the future of public education in Alberta. Make a plan to attend and bring a friend.
In the meantime, engage with political parties, ask candidates what they think about class size, curriculum and the supports needed for students with special needs. If they don’t have a response, sit them down and have a conversation. Have the candidates you speak with explain one specific action they are going to take to support public education.
We need to speak up and advocate for the future of public education. At the rally on Oct. 22, we stood shoulder to shoulder because we believe in public education and organizers called on attendees to commit to telling three people why it’s important to stand for public education. Please encourage people to stay up to date by signing up on the standforeduation.ca website.
To this day, I still believe I can change the world, stand for public education and make a difference. And guess what? You can as well, and we’ll do it together. ❚