You may have seen the ads for the Association’s current advertising campaign titled “The Least” (one even appears in this issue of the news!). The campaign’s commercials and corresponding website ( have been successful in bringing awareness to the fact that our public system in Alberta receives the least amount of funding per student of any jurisdiction in Canada. Teachers probably weren’t surprised, to say the least, as we see the ramifications of this lack of funding every day.
Even with the success of “The Least” campaign, our work isn’t done. We must continue in our efforts to inform the public about the lack of funding in public education.
Hopefully, you already have signed up to receive campaign updates on the Stop the Excuses website and have shared the information in your personal and social media networks. I know my parents, family and friends have been sent links to the site and have seen our ads frequently on my Instagram account. The information has been eye-opening for them. Remember, it’s not about one person spreading the message to everyone, but maybe you can reach someone.
At the end of October, the legislature began sitting again and MLAs are busy dealing with the work of government. One item on their agenda this fall is the budget for 2025. The work on setting the budget expenditures begins right away and a lot of the budgetary decisions are made before the legislature pauses for their winter break. This means that this fall is an important time for teachers and their allies to engage with MLAs about the fact that Alberta is the least funded education system in the country.
I encourage you to reach out and share the stories of your classrooms with MLAs, whether they are UCP or NDP. Often in my conversations with MLAs from both sides of the aisle, their knowledge of education issues can be thin because it is not their context. Discuss the overcrowded spaces, the lack of resources and the over-testing with them. Share your experience about students’ needs not being met, and teachers and administrators burning themselves out trying to make it all work. We know the power of face-to-face conversations about the issues. When we engage with people one on one, they too become advocates for what we care about.
We want to help our members feel confident in engaging in conversations about public education. Through the provincial ATA, you, your ATA local and school representatives have access to materials produced by Now! Communications to support productive dialogue. These resources, available in the Members’ Only section of the ATA website, can help you connect with people so that they know that there is a better way to meet the needs of our students.
Surveys show that most Albertans believe the government is not spending enough on public education. The public is indeed on our side. Equipped with tools from the ATA to engage in these conversations, now you can take the opportunity this fall to really connect with people you know to help send a message to the government: it’s time to stop the excuses.
Now is the time.

ATA President