ATA News

The role of PEC members (aka my bosses)


Question: I see that there is a by-election to fill a vacant position on the Provincial Executive Council and that nominations are about to open for members wanting to run in the next general election. What does being on the Council entail?

Answer: The Provincial Executive Council, or PEC, is the governing council of the Alberta Teachers’ Association, functioning as a “board of directors” to provide ongoing guidance to the Association and make decisions between annual representative assemblies.

PEC is composed of 15 district representatives (DRs) who come from across the province (the by-election is in Edmonton District). While Edmonton-McMurray and Calgary City districts, in deference to their population, elect three DRs each, the other nine DRs represent teachers in different geographic regions across the province. 

DRs play an invaluable role in bringing the voice of the teachers they represent to the table and serving as an important channel for communication back to the membership. In keeping with principles of good governance, even though they are expected to represent those who elect them, when gathered together their job is to rise above local interests and make decisions that will best advance the interests of the entire membership.

The work of a DR is demanding. It involves getting out to meet and speak with teachers where they live and work. In some of our districts, which may be the size of small European countries, this involves spending considerable time on the road, traveling between communities and schools. DRs are also assigned to serve on various standing and ad hoc committees of the Council, and liaise with locals, convention associations and specialist councils. The Council has eight scheduled meetings a year, but additional emergent meetings are increasingly common as Council responds to the rapidly changing circumstances confronting the profession.

To facilitate their work, DRs are provided with half-time release (the equivalent of 100 days) from their teaching positions, the details of which are negotiated and managed by the Association and the employer. PEC members are also provided with honoraria and are reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in attending Council meetings, and during other related duties and activities. As well, a PEC development fund provides for conference attendance and other educational activities relevant to the members’ responsibilities, contributing to the ongoing professional development of DRs.

In addition to DRs, the positions of president and two vice-presidents are elected by teachers across the province. These, together with the past president and the executive secretary, constitute the Table Officers Committee and comprise the remainder of the positions on the Council, bringing its total membership to 20. 

The vice-presidents and past president are also eligible to receive half-time release, and their work extends throughout the province. The president is the only member of the Council who receives full-time release from their teaching duties to do their Association work. I note that the notion that the governors of the Association should, with this one exception, remain active classroom teachers contributes greatly to the credibility of the Council, collectively and individually. When meeting with government officials or with representatives of other organizations active in the education sector, members of the Council, individually and collectively, will introduce themselves by describing their teaching assignment, giving their comments unique gravitas and credibility.

Any active or associate member of the Association may run for the position of DR in the district in which they reside or for a table officer position. To support diversity, equity and inclusion, the Association will be providing additional information to assist teachers from underrepresented populations to become more familiar with the election process and better prepare them to run for office.

General elections are held every two years, and all terms expire simultaneously on June 30. Details about the nomination process and timelines are set out on the Association website with additional information about supports for potential diverse candidates being forthcoming in the near future.

For 23 years now, the members of PEC have been my bosses, and my appreciation of their contribution and commitment to our profession has only grown. We need good people to step up to these important roles, and I encourage you to consider doing so. 

Grey haired man in silver glasses wears a dark suit infront of black background
Dennis Theobald

Executive Staff Officer, ATA