Media Release

Reaction to injunction granted during CUPE strike

Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) president Jason Schilling has issued the following statement with regard to the injunction granted to suspend the ministerial order exempting select students from in-person learning during the current Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) 3550 strike:

“We’re pleased that the Court, in issuing this injunction, has recognized the serious and irreparable harm caused by denying students with complex needs access to in-person learning during the ongoing CUPE strike affecting Edmonton Public Schools. It is our hope that this injunction will cause the government to reconsider the direction it has given all school boards as they negotiate with their employees.

Students, parents and teachers expect the government to facilitate a negotiated agreement that will allow CUPE staff who provide supports in Alberta classrooms to return to work.”

The Alberta Teachers’ Association, as the professional organization of teachers, promotes and advances public education, supports teachers’ professional practice, and serves as the advocate for its 51,000 members.