ATA News

Quebec’s Heidi Yetman to lead CTF in 2023

CTF Corner

Ottawa – Heidi Yetman, president of the Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (QPAT), was elected president-designate by acclamation at the first in-person annual general meeting of the Canadian Teachers’ Federation (CTF/FCE) since 2019.

“It is a privilege to participate in this 100-plus year’s special edition of the AGM,” Yetman said. “As president-designate, my goal is to continue the important work that the CTF/FCE has been doing to improve the lives of teachers, and advocate for quality publicly funded public education and social justice on a national level.”

Before becoming QPAT president, Yetman was president of the Pearson Teachers’ Union and taught science and art for 23 years at the high school level. She served as a vice-president of the CTF/FCE from 2018 to 2019 and again beginning in 2021. She currently holds the role of executive committee liaison for the CTF/FCE’s Comité consultatif du français langue première.

Yetman’s invaluable experience at the CTF/FCE has allowed her to chair two advisory committees and attend the Education International 2019 World Congress, where she facilitated a women’s caucus session. Her journey has also led her to moderate the 2019 AGM Women’s Caucus and a women’s panel at the CTF/FCE Women’s Symposium. In 2020, Yetman was a keynote speaker at the Manitoba Teachers’ Society Women’s Symposium.

Past president Shelley Morse has now completed her term on the executive committee. All other members will continue their two-year terms until 2023, including President Sam Hammond and Vice-President Jenny Regal, who is also a vice-president of the ATA.

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