ATA News

New staff officer joins TES

New ATA staff officer Christien Perrault will be using his teaching experience and expertise gleaned from working on multiple Association committees to help teachers navigate employment issues.

Perrault started working in Teacher Employment Services (TES) on Aug. 1. He will be negotiating collective agreements and helping members with any employment concerns they may face. He feels that knowledge acquired from the various ATA committees he has served on during his 16-year teaching career, as well as courses he has taken, will help him succeed in this new and challenging role.

“During my teaching career, I had the pleasure of negotiating three collective agreements, and I had the opportunity of taking courses to deepen my understanding of bargaining styles and processes,” he said.

Perrault began teaching at St. Gregory’s Elementary School in Hinton, where he taught for three years. He later moved to teaching junior and senior high mathematics, physical education and CTS courses at École Alexandre Taché in St. Albert for 13 years.

“My colleagues’ collective rights have been a passion of mine since the early years of my teaching career. As a result of this passion, I have invested a lot of my time serving on many ATA committees at the local level,” Perrault said. His committee experience includes: Teacher Welfare, Negotiating Subcommittee, Teacher Workload and Efficacy, Grievance, and Teacher and Board Liaison, to name just a few.

5 more things about Christien

What makes you the most excited to start work at the ATA?

Finding career growth while continuing to support my colleagues. I am excited about the new challenges I will face.

Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give yourself in your first year as a teacher?

Take time to enjoy the process and ensure that you find a work–life balance that is sustainable for you.

What is the greatest life lesson that teaching has taught you?

Every student has a story—take the time to learn it.

Favourite song to put you in a good mood?

Le Parapluie by Georges Brassens

Favourite summer activity/hobby/project on the go at home?

My favourite summer activity is anything outdoors with my family. My hobby is woodworking, and I have too many projects on the go to list them all!

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