What have you learned recently that made you a better teacher?
For my students to feel happy and safe, I need to feel happy and safe.
– Jennifer Prestash
Focus on the “science of gratitude” and how being gracious can impact the day.
– Courtney Albrecht
Planning hands-on learning connected to curricular outcomes. This helps connect students to the “why” of learning what they learn.
– Adedeji Bowoade
The more students know why they are doing something or learning something, the more they will care, try, put themselves into it, get out of it.
– Joshua Lafleur
I am not the sole knowledge holder in the room.
– Chelsea Goulet
Classroom management: clear, comprehensive discussions with students regarding consequences.
– Alyssa Bilodeau
Gratitude has helped a lot of students with their mental health. Validating student feelings helps their motivation and willingness to learn.
– Temina Girod
Teaching is a community practice. Collective teacher efficacy is our most powerful tool. Take the time to connect.
– Adrienne Biever