On May 6, 1933, just three months after Adolf Hitler became chancellor of Germany, Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Science was raided, looted and ransacked.
The institute offered public education, training, research and medical care on a wide range of matters related to sexuality. Many of its services were often offered for free to those who could not afford it. The institute was the life work of Magnus Hirschfeld, a gay, Jewish physician. In the days that followed the raid, the institute’s entire library — along with tens of thousands of other books — was dumped into Berlin’s Bebelplatz Square and burned.
The original raid was conducted by the Deutsche Studentenschaft, the Nazi-dominated German Students’ Union. In other words, the Nazis’ persecution of homosexuals was kicked off by a violent display of force by brainwashed youth. By the end of the Nazis’ reign of terror, an estimated 10,000 to 15,000 gay men were sent to concentration camps, where most of them were worked and starved to death.
These historical facts underline the hate-filled ignorance of Monique LaGrange’s recently surfaced Facebook post.
LaGrange, of course, is the Red Deer Catholic School Division trustee who posted a picture of kids waving pride flags beside a picture of children waving swastika flags. The hideous argument she was making with the photos was that “brainwashing is brainwashing.”
It’s appalling. Setting aside the obvious attempt to erase the history of Nazi persecution and killing of gay people, the point she is making is that teachers and others who want young people to learn that we should welcome, care for and support LGBTQ2S+ people and their families are demonstrating evil on par with Nazi indoctrination.
Sound like a harsh assessment? Here is a quote from LaGrange’s only public statement following the incident: “The story meme is centred around indoctrination and how children are vulnerable to evil agendas filtering through culture” (emphasis added).
In this assessment, advocating for the inclusion and safety of sexual and gender diverse people in society is equivalent to indoctrination perpetuated by the worst example of genocidal fascists in human history.
This notion of equating the teaching of Pride with indoctrination is occurring much more frequently. It is not only an act of hate against members of the LGBTQ2S+ community, but it is also a direct attack on allies and supporters who are simply working toward the safety and security of children. Sadly, too many children continue to die by suicide as a result of hatred, exclusion or isolation.
These attacks have taken the worst form recently. Not only are allies being portrayed as Nazis but they are also being portrayed as pedophiles. Nothing sickens me more than when we who try to protect the safety of vulnerable children are described as “groomers.”
To be clear, LaGrange didn’t delete the post, she hasn’t apologized for it, she has no intention of resigning, and she is fighting every attempt to hold her accountable for her hateful actions.
“I did not resign because I believe I didn’t do anything wrong,” LaGrange told the Western Standard.
The fact this would come from any public figure is atrocious. That this would come from a school board trustee takes it to a whole new level of abhorrence.
Red Deer Catholic has over 10,000 students. I guarantee that it has gay students enrolled in its schools. It has lesbian, bisexual, asexual, pansexual, transgender, gender nonconforming, gender fluid, two-spirit, queer and questioning students enrolled. It has students, likely as young as kindergarten, who come from families with two moms, two dads or with parents or siblings who are queer, transitioning or transgender.
Teachers in Red Deer Catholic schools, on a daily basis, are trying to ensure that all students, regardless of the sexual or gender diversity within their families, feel safe and welcomed in the schools. One of the trustees in that school division has now equated those teachers with Nazi indoctrinators. What message does that send to those teachers? What message does it send to those students?
LaGrange has no choice but to resign or else she must be fired.
This person was elected with the explicitly defined purpose of being entrusted with the care of all students. She cannot hold that position and these views simultaneously. They are antithetical to each other.
Simply put, LaGrange has no choice but to resign or else she must be fired. We must not rest until that happens. As much as LaGrange would like it to, this matter cannot blow over. ❚
I welcome your comments. Contact me at jonathan.teghtmeyer@ata.ab.ca.

ATA News Editor-in-Chief