The Big Green Book of Munsch Books
His books are a great way to teach intonation, emphasis and dialogue.
Sinead Dullaghan

What’s My Superpower?
This book by Inuk author Aviaq Johnston is about finding your unique skills and abilities.
Adrienne Biever

This book by Gordon Korman explores themes of identity and changing self-conception.
Joshua Lafleur

If I Go Missing
This graphic novel by Brianna Jonnie and Nahanni Shingoose is a powerful presentation of the fears many Indigenous women have in today’s society. Its poignant and heartbreaking story opens the door to classroom discussions on multiple issues.
Mary Claire Belanger

Les bas du pensionnat
This book by Christy Jordan-Fenton explains the assimilation that
students went through in residential schools.
Mélanie Côté

Life of Pi
Beautiful, skilled writing.
Jennifer Prestash