ATA News

Highlighted resolutions approved at ARA 2023

This is a selection of the 208 resolutions adopted at the 2023 Annual Representative Assembly

Resolutions arising from the six-year review of policy 

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that policy be [reaffirmed] deleted.
CARRIED AS AMENDED The Government of Alberta should pass legislation ensuring that children under the age of 18 do not have access to violent movies, videos, video games and other electronic media.

Local resolutions

Calgary Public Teachers 
Prairie Rose 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge school divisions and the College of Alberta School Superintendents to adopt policies that discourage hiring decisions being made on the basis of a teacher’s placement on the salary grid.

Prairie Rose 

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association call upon school divisions and the College of Alberta School Superintendents to make public a statement of ethical practices and processes in regard to hiring, transfers and promotions.

Edmonton Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge school divisions to collect and keep records of the number and types of incidents of violence or harassment perpetrated against staff, to be shared with the associated locals (ATA, CUPE, etc) on a semiannual basis.

Edmonton Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge school authorities to provide mandatory and comprehensive training to administrators, school leaders and aspiring school leaders in how to effectively respond to disclosures of harassment, including sexual harassment, and abuse; training should be renewed every three years.

Red Deer Catholic

BE IT RESOLVED that when a memorandum of agreement at the central table is presented to teachers, in addition to any recommendations from the Central Bargaining Committee and Provincial Executive Council there will be a comprehensive statement of the potential impact of all changes, including potential strengths and weaknesses, costs and benefits, and gains and losses.

Red Deer Catholic

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association develop and implement a comprehensive contingency plan to deal with any extended absences (for medical or other approved reasons) of PEC members, making clear to members and locals how the absent PEC member’s responsibilities and duties will be met during the period of their absence.

Calgary Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of Alberta should ensure that all students living in Alberta, regardless of the students’, parents’ or caregivers’ immigration status in Canada, receive a publicly funded education.

Calgary Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that school boards allow the children of residents with uncertain or no immigration status to enrol in public education without fear of recrimination.

Calgary Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the threshold to remove resolutions from Block 1 (resolutions arising from the six-year review of policy) be two-thirds and from Block 2 (local resolutions and Provincial Executive Council resolutions), a simple majority.

Calgary Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association conduct a provincewide teacher workload study in order to

  1. identify duties that are common across school divisions, 
  2. provide statistics related to the hours of work on a weekly and annual basis for teachers across Alberta (inclusive of all duties and professional obligations),
  3. identify areas of teacher work that have experienced workload intensification and 
  4. offer recommendations on how to ease or reverse workload intensification trends.

Red Deer City

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that school authorities in receipt of the Refugee Student Grant spend that money on refugee students.

Rocky View

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association call for the dissolution of the Alberta Teacher Registry and the deletion and destruction of any public-facing information that is contained therein.

Edmonton Catholic Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urges the Government of Alberta to respect the collective bargaining process and refrain from using the notwithstanding clause to circumvent this democratic right.


BE IT RESOLVED that boards offer a number of full-time interim contracts to teachers who can provide substitute teaching service.

Provincial Executive Council resolutions

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that Association representation of a member in proceedings concerning professional conduct and practice administered by the Alberta Teaching Profession Commission be determined on an individual case-by-case basis.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association may represent members who are subject to regulatory processes concerning professional conduct and discipline administered by the Alberta Teaching Profession Commission, in accordance with the following provisions:

  1. The member requesting representation must have held the highest level of membership at the time the events relevant to a proceeding took place and continued subsequently to maintain the highest level of membership available to them.
  2. The nature and degree of representation provided reflects the seriousness of the potential outcomes, the resources required and associated costs to the Association, risk and opportunity for the establishment of precedent, and the reputation and interests of the profession.
  3. The purpose of representation is to ensure that professional conduct and practice proceedings adhere to legislation and regulation, legal standards established for similar administrative proceedings, and requirements of fairness and natural justice.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the provision of representation not constitute an endorsement of a member’s conduct or practice.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that representation may be provided by the Association to a member who is subject to regulatory processes concerning professional conduct and practice administered by the Alberta Teaching Profession Commission, subject to the following:

  1. Representation may consist of assistance provided by executive or professional staff of the Association and/or provided by legal counsel in the direct employ of the Association or by external legal counsel under contract to the Association.
  2. Representation is provided at the discretion and under the direction of Associate Coordinator, Regulatory Affairs, in consultation with Association staff assisting the member.
  3. Where a member undertakes to retain their own independent counsel, all associated costs are the sole responsibility of the member unless and except where a prior contractual agreement has been entered into between the Association, the member and the independent counsel for the provision of independent legal representation.
  4. A member may appeal a decision not to provide representation or to limit the representation provided using a process established for this purpose.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that responsibility for upholding high standards of professional conduct and practice of teachers be within the exclusive mandate of the Association as a professional regulatory authority (or entrusted to a professional college, independent of government, governed by teachers appointed by the Association, elected at large with sufficient public representation to ensure transparency and legitimacy).

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that legislation, regulations, processes, structures and institutions intended to uphold high standards of professional conduct and practice of teachers be established only with the advice and consent of the Association.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that any costs associated with processes, structures and institutions established by the Government of Alberta without the consent of the Association for regulating the professional conduct and practice of teachers be paid for by the Government of Alberta, with no fees, levies or charges being imposed upon teachers for this purpose.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that when possible, members use informal and formal processes, including those established by the Association, to address and resolve conflicts with colleagues in a constructive, restorative manner.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that teacher members of the Teacher Professional Conduct and Practice Panel be populated from a list consisting of active members nominated by the Association.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that effective 2023 01 01, the Association’s Code of Professional Conduct be in abeyance until the Association approves an alternative code of conduct for its members.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Government of Alberta develop pandemic responses for public health emergencies in schools that are consistent with the recommendations from the Government of Canada’s Centre for Research on Pandemic Preparedness and Health Emergencies and from Health Canada.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the minimum standard for teaching in an Alberta school be a four-year degree (120 semester-hour credits) from a recognized postsecondary institution, including

  • at least 45 semester-hour credits of teacher education and pedagogy courses (including a course that addresses the legal, ethical and professional nature of teaching); and
  • within the 45 semester-hour credits, at least 10 weeks of a graduated set of face-to-face field experiences in an Alberta school.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association support Bridge to Teacher Certification programs in the following exceptional circumstances:

  • There is a dire shortage of teachers with a specific subject specialization.
  • Subject experts admitted to the program at a recognized university possess a two-year diploma or journey trade certificate.
  • Recognition given to existing credentials does not exceed 30 semester-hour credits.
  • Students complete a program with at least 36 semester-hour credits of teacher preparation, including at least 10 weeks of supervised student teaching, associated planning/methods courses and other profession-related courses qualifying them for letters of authority.
  • Strict timelines are imposed on the recipients of letters of authority for completing the remaining requirements for a bachelor of education degree.
  • Restrictions are imposed on the teaching assignment of recipients of letters of authority to reflect their subject specialization.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to establish a ministerial order requiring a commemorative ceremony in all Alberta schools for the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge school authorities to provide inclusive education and responsiveness training for their elected officials regarding the creation of safe, caring and welcoming environments for all students and staff.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta and school authorities to support the professional judgment of teachers in using approved resources that discuss discrimination and oppression as systemic.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that student safety and data privacy should be primary considerations in the use of artificial intelligence tools in the classroom.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that artificial intelligence tools used in schools should be evaluated before implementation for ownership of data, bias, discrimination, accuracy and potential for harm.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that understanding of artificial intelligence benefits and concerns, including algorithms and data collection/use, should be part of technology use in schools.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to require that instructing, supervising and/or monitoring of student instruction in the areas of Career and Technology Studies, off-campus programming and dual-credit programming be the exclusive responsibility of fully certificated teachers.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to mandate frequent on-site monitoring and reporting by certificated teachers of all off-campus education programs to ensure student safety and adherence to established standards for delivery of instruction in these settings.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to provide additional, targeted funding for Career and Technology Studies classrooms and Career and Technology Foundations classrooms to ensure class sizes do not exceed maximums required to provide for student safety and adequate teacher supervision.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to address shortages of skilled tradespeople by funding the expansion of postsecondary institutions’ capacity to provide access to programs supporting apprenticeship training and trades certification.

Provincial Executive Council

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association assert as a fundamental belief that the purpose of career, skills and technology courses and programming within the primary education system is to provide students with opportunities to broaden their learning and experiences with a well-rounded program of study.

Emergent resolutions

Battle River

BE IT RESOLVED that the ATA urge the Alberta government and school boards to facilitate the voluntary service with pay and benefits of teachers who are qualified first responders to assist civil authorities in responding to emergencies and natural disasters.

Battle River

BE IT RESOLVED that the Alberta Teachers’ Association cover the cost of substitute teachers for teachers who take a leave to fight the Alberta wildfires in May and June 2023 to a maximum of $50,000 and upon application to the Association.

Canadian Rockies

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association craft a strategy to address both the slow pace of local bargaining and the very limited access to Registered Bargaining Agent (RBA) advice and expertise in defending the existing collective agreement at the local level.

Edmonton Public Teachers

Be it resolved that the Association urge the Government of Alberta to ensure that all charter schools operate as a regular part of our public education system under the authority of an existing local school board. Those charter schools outside of school board authority would become private schools.

Edmonton Public Teachers

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association commit to fostering a safe, inclusive and welcoming environment for all members through the development, implementation and clear communication of specific policies and procedures to address incidents of harassment and/or assault at Association events and provide common language to all locals and subgroups for inclusion in policy to ensure a consistent approach throughout all levels of Association governance.

Resolutions referred for study and report

Red Deer City

BE IT RESOLVED that Summer Conference locate itself in Alberta at a location where a reasonable cost of participation is feasible.

Red Deer City

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association urge school boards to gain blanket licence to use Alberta-made film and media within our classrooms.

Parkland Teachers’

BE IT RESOLVED that conventions and specialist councils should offer online sessions for teachers who are living in remote northern locations and travel is cost prohibitive.


BE IT RESOLVED that convention associations add a hybrid model of delivery.

Resolutions on which action has been taken

Red Deer City

BE IT RESOLVED that all elections on specialist councils must be facilitated and governed by the ATA executive staff who is appointed to that specialist council.

Rocky View

BE IT RESOLVED that the Association research and report to PEC the breakdown of the executive staff officers working from both BH and SARO and how it compares with the teacher population in the service areas for BH and SARO, what the average wait times for return calls is for BH versus SARO and what potential cost savings could be realized if executive staff officers serving southern locals were closer (less mileage, travel time, hotel stays, etcetera). ❚

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