ATA News

Fees to remain unchanged as budget passes

Teachers’ ATA membership fees will remain unchanged for the 2023–24 school year after delegates approved the proposed budget at the Annual Representative Assembly (ARA) over the May long weekend in Edmonton. The result is no change to the current fee of $1,347 per year for a full-time teacher. 

Total planned expenditures in the upcoming fiscal year are largely unchanged, decreasing slightly by one per cent compared to the 2022/2023 budget. 

Approved budget highlights

In looking to apply some of the learnings from operating virtually for a couple of years, budget 2023–24 introduced a 10 per cent reduction to the overall budgets of a number of committees across program areas, including Provincial Executive Council. Also, discipline related committee budgets were adjusted or deleted in response to the shifting role of the Association within the province’s new discipline model for teachers and teacher leaders.

Within the Teacher Employment Services program area, the approved budget allows for increased expenses for both the Substitute Teachers’ Conference, in order to accommodate a higher number of registrants, and the Healthy Interactions program. Furthermore, within Professional Development, funds have been allocated to increase the number of Indigenous Education PD facilitators from 18 to 25. 

Next, responding to members’ requests for an additional Beginning Teachers’ Conference, the approved budget allows for annual events to be held in both Edmonton and Calgary. Also, given the expansion in need, the Professional Development Area Conference (PDAC) budget line will increase. The assembly also approved funding for specialist council carousels, which provide professional development opportunities to student locals and preservice teachers.

Delegates over the long weekend also supported an increase to the member awareness budget line within the Government program area to explore gaps in service and support for various niche populations of the membership, such as Indigenous, francophone and racialized teachers and administrators, and those who are internationally educated.

Finally, in line with the Association’s long-term strategy to increasingly adopt modern cloud-based technology that improves productivity and streamlines service to members, funds were allocated for the rollout of the Association’s new Human Resources Information System along with important targeted information technology investments. 

At the conclusion of a productive long weekend of debate, delegates approved an overall budget with a small surplus of $54,500. The annual fee for associate members will remain unchanged at $202.05.

After the approval of the budget, the Assembly approved a study of teacher workload. The timing, scope and cost of this study have yet to be determined. It is anticipated that some expenses relating to this activity will be incurred in the next fiscal year, but these will be covered under existing budget lines or, potentially, through a call on the Special Emergency Fund. ❚


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