ATA News

Edmonton Public teachers authorize strike vote

Teachers employed by the Edmonton School Division have voted 97 per cent in favour of authorizing the Alberta Teachers’ Association (ATA) to request a government-supervised strike vote.

This action followed the rejection of a proposal by a third-party mediator to settle local negotiations in Edmonton Public. Teachers who gathered at the meeting held Oct. 22 voted 91 per cent in opposition to the mediator’s recommendations.

“[The] turnout of support for the bargaining team sends a very strong message to the school division,” said Heather Quinn, president of Edmonton Public Teachers’ Local No 37, “When the board has the ability to improve working conditions, like they do with online teachers, and refuses to do so, teachers feel undervalued. Last night our members indicated that we stand united with them.”

Heather Quinn
Heather Quinn

President of Edmonton Public Teachers’ Local No 37

[The] turnout of support for the bargaining team sends a very strong message to the school division.

Quinn said the mediator’s recommendations were turned down because they did not offer enough improvement for teachers working in online learning or for those teaching summer school and night school. The position of the school division to treat different types of teacher work as less valuable than others is seen by teachers as being quite disrespectful.

“The solutions required to get an agreement are not complicated and they are not expensive. This is about respect,” Quinn added, “If the school division was willing to treat teachers fairly and with more respect for their work, we would have an agreement.”

At this time, a strike vote is not being scheduled and could not be held until at least two weeks after the mediator “writes out” of the dispute. Despite a strike vote being authorized, both sides are hopeful that an agreement can be reached.

“While we do not comment about ongoing negotiations, we remain committed to working collaboratively with the teacher’s bargaining committee to reach an agreement,” said Veronica Jubinville, spokesperson for the school division.

Similarly, teachers are still hopeful for a negotiated settlement. Quinn said the votes provide a very strong mandate for teacher negotiators to go back to the bargaining table and to fight for further improvement for members. ❚