ATA president Jason Schilling has released the following statement in response to today’s announcement about K–6 piloting of new science and French language arts curricula.
“This government continues to rush through curriculum changes without gaining much-needed buy-in from the public or the teachers who will be expected to use and implement the curriculum.
In addition to implementing—on very short notice and without adequate supports—new curriculum in three subjects, schools will be expected to take on piloting of new curriculum in up to three more subjects. Schools are being inundated with added expectations next year, and students will suffer as a result—something that teachers, school leaders and parents do not want to see.
There is a complete lack of trust in this government, and on this file in particular. The minister is asking Albertans to trust her when she says that feedback has been incorporated into new drafts of the curriculum, yet she has not released any feedback publicly. When will the minister release the complete results of her so-called consultations?
Finally, I must correct one thing said by the minister today: no curriculum has been implemented in Alberta in living memory without a full pilot. Her statements otherwise are just not true.”
—Jason Schilling, ATA president
The Alberta Teachers’ Association, as the professional organization of teachers, promotes and advances public education, safeguards standards of professional practice, and serves as the advocate for its 46,000 members.