
Chasing Through Time
When she is not teaching, Tara Hodgson is writing. Hodgson recently published her debut novel, Chasing Through Time. This young adult fiction explores the lived experiences of teenagers, now and in the past, and the impacts of social media on human connections.
Tara Hodgson
Camilla School, Riviere Qui Barre
Instagram and Facebook @tarahodgsonauthor FriesenPress

The Wheels of Time: Volume 2
Teacher Monique Webb recently served on the Riviere Qui Barre (RQB) History Book Committee, which just published The Wheels of Time: Volume 2. For this new volume, Webb compiled stories shared by families from the RQB area. The book includes an
updated historical perspective of the Métis of Alberta and Alexander First Nation,
which was completed by Monique and Colette Arcand of Alexander. This book
aims to preserve the history of the area, which was previously captured in 1978 in The Wheels of Time, A History of Riviere Qui Barre.
Monique Webb
Greater St. Albert Catholic School Division, St. Albert

The Garth Prince Band
Music teacher George Koufogiannakis plays with the African music ensemble "The Garth Prince Band” and won the 2022 Canadian JUNO Award for Children's Album of the Year with this ensemble. Koufogiannakis has also been performing for nearly 20 years as a guest guitarist with the Edmonton Symphony Orchestra for pops concerts and special guest artists, in exclusive movie and Broadway music featured productions, and as a freelance musician across the country in a variety of folk and jazz ensembles.
George Koufogiannakis
Austin O'Brien Catholic High School, Edmonton

When not teaching high school or student teachers, Brent Saccucci works as an education consultant for OUTreach Southern Alberta Society. The Society uses an anti-oppressive and social justice framework to support and advocate for the LGBTQ2S+ communities of Lethbridge and surrounding areas. Saccucci leads OUTreach's queer and trans inclusion workshops (Queer and Trans 101) for schools and workplaces around Lethbridge and Alberta.
Brent Saccucci
Lethbridge Public School Division