ATA News

Central bargaining update

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The Alberta Teachers’ Association’s (ATA) Central Table Bargaining Committee (CTBC) engaged in two full days of negotiations with the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) on Sept. 9 and 10. 

While the most pressing concerns — classroom conditions and teacher salaries — are scheduled for discussion in October, the recent meetings focused on areas with a greater likelihood of mutual agreement to build momentum. Some of the key issues on the table included protection from legislative changes, the right to grieve discipline, and the centralized (ATA and TEBA) calculation of salary, allowances and rates of pay increases.

“We’ve been able to find common ground on several important issues, which is encouraging,” said Sean Brown, the ATA’s chief negotiator. “But there are still significant challenges ahead, particularly when it comes to addressing the growing complexity of Alberta’s classrooms.”

While these agreements mark progress, discussions surrounding classroom data collection, particularly regarding class sizes and student complexity, remain a sticking point. Other key issues, such as classroom conditions, also remain contentious.

TEBA’s resistance in such areas of interest makes it even more important for teachers to stand together this year, said Peter MacKay, chair of the CTBC.

“Seeing teachers across Alberta standing united strengthens our position at the table,” he added. “We need to continue showing that solidarity as we move forward.”

The next round of bargaining is scheduled for Oct. 2–3, 2024, where the CTBC is expected to focus heavily on classroom conditions. The ATA encourages members to stay informed by following bargaining updates and continuing to wear red as a symbol of unity.

For additional details on the ongoing negotiations, members can visit the Collective Bargaining Updates section on