The Alberta Teachers’ Association’s (ATA) Central Table Bargaining Committee (CTBC) and the Teachers’ Employer Bargaining Association (TEBA) met on March 19 and 20 for scheduled mediation, working toward an agreement that supports Alberta’s teachers and the learning conditions in their classrooms.
Conversations have been productive and are continuing, and the CTBC remains committed to advocating for teachers’ needs and improving conditions for both educators and students across Alberta. More substantive communication will be forthcoming, and teachers are advised to visit the Association website frequently for updates.
An information embargo has been in place during the mediation process to support open and productive discussions and to enable the negotiators the opportunity to brief and take advice from their respective representatives. As a result, the CTBC has been limited in its ability to provide detailed updates about developments at the table. The CTBC remains committed to sharing as much information as it can with members as soon as possible.
Members are encouraged to stay connected and united as the bargaining team works through this critical process. Undoubtedly there will be unhelpful rumours and conjecture circulating on various platforms. As always, the most complete and accurate information can be found in official Association channels including the Members Only section of the ATA website, the ATA News, periodic Member Updates and official ATA social media.