ATA News

ATA launches new website

A completely redesigned ATA website will enable Alberta teachers to more easily access their association’s information and services.

Launched in July after months of development, the new website at has been organized to provide a more intuitive experience that enables users to find what they’re looking for more quickly, said ATA president Jason Schilling.

“I’m excited,” Schilling said. “Our staff has worked really hard, along with an external web design firm, to create a useful, user-focused site.”

Research suggests that users don’t read websites; they scan in search of the content they want. To help ATA website visitors do this, the new website uses short sentences, bulleted lists and “chunkified” text.

The site was created through extensive user testing. Content has been grouped by function rather than following the ATA’s program areas and departments, which are sometimes confusing to members.

“Websites are constantly evolving to serve users, and ATA staff will be updating the new site regularly with thoughtful consideration for the needs of both our members and the public,” Schilling said.

The previous version of the ATA website had been the source of member criticism for being difficult to navigate and for containing too much information. (It contained 50,000 pages, 40 times more pages than War and Peace.)

The new site represents the first of several phases and contains only about 50 pages. Some additional content will be included as future phases are completed. At the moment, the old website is available at

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