
Leading Change—A Professional Development Workshop for School Leaders (Edmonton)

Close up candid shots of participants in an event or meeting clapping

This workshop is specially designed for leaders who are leading initiatives or bringing change to their school. You will gain clarity on your strengths as a leader, develop tools to get clear on the changes you want to bring about, and understand how to influence key stakeholders and engage them in the change process. You will be ready to lead and implement change in your organization.

Outcomes Include

  • Reflect on your own leadership style
  • Develop a vision for the initiative and understand how it impacts you, key stakeholders and the organization.
  • Learn how to avoid the traps of implementing change
  • Use tools to help you break down the critical components of a complex change process
  • Take your thinking to the next level when it comes to leading change


Join us for an interactive one day workshop in collaboration with bts spark! 

Register now!